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Trump assesses strategy and qualifications of his VP pick

Trump assesses strategy and qualifications of his VP pick
Trump assesses strategy and qualifications of his VP pick


The identity of former President Donald Trump's running mate remains a mystery, a week before the Republican National Convention. The former president has said his top consideration for vice president is someone qualified to replace him. Other factors also play into that decision. Right now, it seems like only Trump himself seems to know the answer. There are currently five possible candidates on his short list, including Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, New York Rep. Elise Stefanik and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum. In an interview on CNN, Rubio said he doesn't know exactly where Trump stands on the issue. “I haven't heard anything. I don't know anything. You probably know more about it than I do,” Rubio said. “Donald Trump has a decision to make. He'll make it when he needs to. He'll make a good decision.” Vance echoed those thoughts in a separate interview. “We will brief the media if I ever get that call,” Vance said. But most importantly, we’re just trying to work to elect Donald Trump. Whoever he picks as vice president, he has a lot of good people he could choose from. For many candidates, former anti-Trumpers are now among his biggest fans. “They may have had some disagreements in a past life, but they’re now in perfect harmony with Donald Trump and they couldn’t be more supportive,” said Casey Burgat, a political analyst at George Washington University. Experts say that whoever Trump chooses must meet several criteria, including the ability to raise money, debate and present little risk of overshadowing and threatening him. “Maybe the most loyal one will prevail, because we know that Donald Trump really values ​​that in candidates and supporters,” Burgat said. Another factor Trump might consider is the person’s ability to reign in a base of voters he doesn’t already have. That was the case with Trump’s 2016 pick, Mike Pence, who helped sway evangelical voters. But a decision may have little impact on Trump’s campaign. Experts say voters ultimately gravitate toward the name at the top of the ticket, in this case Trump or Biden. The vice president might be able to move the needle slightly, picking up a few votes depending on which state he’s from.


The identity of former President Donald Trump's running mate remains a mystery just a week before the Republican National Convention.

The former president has said his main concern for the vice presidential job is choosing a qualified person to replace him. Other factors also come into play in that decision. For now, it seems that only Trump himself knows the answer.

There are currently five possible candidates on his short list, including Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum.

In an interview with CNN, Rubio said he didn't know exactly where Trump stood on the issue.

“I haven’t heard anything. I don’t know anything. You probably know more about this than I do,” Rubio said. “Donald Trump has to make a decision. He’ll make it when he has to. He’ll make a good decision.”

Vance echoed those thoughts in a separate interview.

“We'll brief the media if I ever get that call,” Vance said. “But the most important thing is we're just trying to get Donald Trump elected. Whoever his vice president is, he's got a lot of good people to choose from.”

For many shortlisted candidates, former anti-Trumpers are now among his biggest fans.

“They may have had disagreements in a past life, but they are now in perfect harmony with Donald Trump, and they couldn't be more united,” said Casey Burgat, a political analyst at George Washington University.

Experts say that whoever Trump chooses must meet several criteria, including the ability to raise money, debate and pose little risk of overshadowing and threatening Trump.

“Maybe the most loyal ones will win, because we know that Donald Trump really appreciates that in candidates and in his supporters,” Burgat said.

Another factor Trump might consider is his ability to capture a base he doesn't already have. That was the case with Mike Pence, Trump's 2016 nominee, who helped sway evangelical voters.

But the move may have little impact on Trump’s campaign. Experts say voters will ultimately gravitate toward whoever comes out on top, in this case Trump or Biden. The vice president may be able to move the needle slightly, picking up a few votes depending on which state he’s from.




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