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The external borders of the EU are permanently closed for visits by foreigners


German Chancellor Angela Merkel has announced that the forced figure will accept emergency measures. According to her, they are designed to contain the spread of COVID-19 which was already sick to more than 55,000 Europeans (including more than 30,000 in Italy, 9,000 in Spain and 5,000 in France and Germany). While Merkel recognized that struggling desperately with the coronavirus block for a literally painful economic future.

Turkey threatens EU of refugee influx due to broken promises

"We have to assume that the consequences for our economies will be very serious," said the Chancellor, urging that the free movement of goods within the borders of the EU be guaranteed. According to Euroactiv, which refers to the opinion of a well-informed European diplomat, Berlin believes that the crisis "will last for months". And its damage to the economy of a united Europe will exceed hundreds of billions of euros.

In turn, the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that the ban on visits to EU citizens in third countries "may be extended if necessary". The exemption for free travel to the EU currently granted to citizens who have left "United Europe" from the United Kingdom, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, foreign medical and scientific workers.

In Brussels thinks the crisis with the coronavirus will last for months, and the economic damage will amount to hundreds of billions of euros

Responsibility for the practical implementation of the decisions adopted by the EU will lie with its member countries. And more recently, conducted an "open door" policy, Germany immediately showed partners an example of how to act – German law enforcement authorities have already taken the border under strict control, said Spiegel magazine.

Photo: AP Greek VLAsti calls for European Union and Washington

Another teleconference with the participation of leaders from Germany, France and Britain took place on Tuesday with Turkey. Within hours, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel macron and Boris Johnson attempted to persuade Recep Tayyip Erdogan to reduce the immigration pressure on the EU's external borders, mainly in Greece. However, according to the Greek newspaper Kathimerini, in order to reach mutual understanding with the open blackmail of the EU with a new influx of illegal immigrants, Erdogan's parties failed again. In the same way as during the previous face-to-face conversation, the Turkish leader with his European partners, was held on March 9.

it is possible that the recently failed negotiations between Brussels and Ankara have started the cause of the next attempt of the hundreds of migrants literally hack into the border of Greece. About the incident, which occurred on Wednesday night, reported in Athens. However, this time, the Greek law enforcement authorities, with the support of the European Border Agency Frontex, managed to burst into the EU of illegal immigrants, tear gas.

the curtain, although it is not made of iron, has fallen around the EU for all foreigners, including overtly used by Turkey for political purposes of illegal immigrants.

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