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Chinese embassy intimidates Strat News Global over video critical of Xi


A few days after a news portal named ‘Strat News Global’ draw parallels between Chinese Premier Xi Jinping and German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, the Chinese Embassy in India had sought to intimidate the portal’s editor, Nitin A Gokhale.

On August 1, the Strat News Global posted a video on Youtube in which they highlighted the bizarre resemblance between the two leaders’ expansionist relations and policies. The video highlighted how Hitler and Xi rose to prominence with the promise to rejuvenate the ‘lost glory of their respective countries’, economic revivalism, the militarization of foreign and illegally annexed territories, the elimination of political opponents. and criticism, institutional control, press censorship, armed proliferation, expansionism, violation of treaties, etc.

Chinese Embassy intimidates Strat News Global with terrible ‘consequences’

The Chinese authorities were angered by the portrayal of Xi Jinping in a “ negative light ”. On Monday, Ji Rong, spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in India, launched a tirade against Nitin Gokhale during a telephone conversation. “We are shocked. Please delete the video immediately… This is a sensitive issue concerning our leader (Xi Jinping) and you must not spoil the relations… Your credibility is at stake ”, she insisted.

However, the editor of Strat News Global refused to budge. He rejected the Chinese spokesman’s recommendation to remove the video. Nitin Gokhale, who is also a well-known defense analyst, however, offered to provide space for Chinese authorities to refute the news portal’s claims in the video comparing Communist leader Xi with former Nazi leader Hitler. According to him, Ji Rong declined his offer and instead claimed that the video went beyond “acceptance” of the Chinese regime.

– Publicity –

“Delete the video or there will be negative consequences,” the Chinese spokesman warned. When Nitin asked her about the ‘consequences’ she toned down her aggression and reiterated that the video was not acceptable and harassed him to remove the video. She then informed the editor of Strat News Global that she would discuss the matter with higher authorities. When Ji Rong did not respond to him, he contacted his colleague to inquire about any letters received from the Chinese authorities.

According to Nitin, the Chinese spokesperson transmitted him a Whatsapp message warning of the “serious consequences” and demanding the “removal” of the video. As he pointed out earlier, Nitin said that removing the video was not an option and that the offer of a counter argument to be posted on the website was available. “I had to break the cardinal rule of revealing the negative conversation (between me and Ji Rong)… It should be emphasized to the world how aggressive and cheeky Chinese behavior has been globally and in India, especially in light of the current impasse at the border, ”Nitin pointed out.

Chinese embassy ‘unhappy’ with German tabloid

Previously, the largest German tabloid Bild had collected around $ 130 billion to be paid by China to Germany for the economic damage caused by the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak. Bild created an itemized bill which included Germany’s loss of tourism revenue ($ 27 billion), loss for small businesses ($ 50 billion), loss for the German film industry ($ 7.2 billion) and loss for Lufthansa airlines (1 million / hour). The total bill to be paid by China thus amounted to a total of 149 billion (130 billion).

The newspaper further said that China owed 1,550 per person to Germany, assuming there would be a deficit of 4.2 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) due to the pandemic. China accused the German tabloid of stoking xenophobia and nationalism. Julian Reichelt, editor-in-chief of Bild, claimed that the Chinese embassy in Berlin had written him an open letter because they were not happy with their coronavirus coverage.

Julian reprimanded, Your embassy tells me that I do not live the traditional friendship of our people. I guess you consider it a great friendship when you now generously send masks around the world. It is not friendship, I would call it imperialism hidden behind a smile, a Trojan horse.

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