Vietnam's Supreme Leader Nguyen Phu Trong Dies at 80 After Long Reign; PM Modi Offers Condolences

Vietnamese Communist Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong died Friday at the age of 80 after serving in the country's most powerful post for 13 years, during which he oversaw rapid economic growth, a years-long anti-corruption crackdown and a pragmatic foreign policy.
Trong's duties have been temporarily handed over to President To Lam, a rising star in the party who could further consolidate his powers if he is allowed to retain both roles.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his condolences on the demise of the Vietnamese leader.
“We are saddened by the news of the passing away of Vietnamese leader, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. We pay tribute to the departed leader. We extend our deepest condolences and stand in solidarity with the people and leadership of Vietnam in this hour of grief,” Prime Minister Modi said in a message posted on X.
We are saddened by the news of the passing of Vietnamese leader, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. We pay tribute to the departed leader. We extend our deepest condolences and stand in solidarity with the people and leadership of Vietnam in this hour of mourning. Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) July 19, 2024
Trong died early this afternoon from old age and a serious illness, the Communist Party said in a statement posted on its website, without giving further details on the nature of his illness.
The statement cited information from Trong's medical team, saying he died after a period of illness, despite care provided by the Party, the state, a collective of professors, doctors and prominent medical experts.
Lam took office on Thursday, with the party leader ill. The party will now have to decide whether Lam will be formally named interim party leader until the post's current term expires in 2026, or whether it will elect a new leader from within its ranks before then.
Although Vietnam officially has no supreme leader, Trong was the most powerful figure in the country as party general secretary and had held the position since 2011.
He secured a third term in 2021 after a rule limiting incumbents to two terms as party chief was lifted, demonstrating his strength and significant political influence in a party that has led a unified Vietnam for nearly half a century.
But in recent months he has appeared frail at public events and missed several high-level meetings.
A consolidation of power under Lam was seen by some businessmen and analysts as potentially positive for speeding up decision-making in the Southeast Asian nation, home to major factories of leading multinationals including Samsung, Intel, Canon and Apple's main supplier Foxconn.
A clear change in Lams' leadership could moderate political instability and factional infighting, at least in the short term, said Peter Mumford, a Southeast Asia expert at the Eurasia Group, noting that it would be beneficial for economic growth.
But some diplomats and activists also see risks of a crackdown on civil liberties and a drift toward more autocratic, Chinese-style rule if Lam were allowed to concentrate more unchecked power in her hands, breaking with the party's tradition of collegial decision-making.
Following the announcement of Trong's death, public events were cancelled across the country until July 25, while banners on state-run websites were black and white.
State television channels aired a documentary about Trong titled: General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong: A Steadfast, Intellectual and Exemplary Leader.
Bars in the capital Hanoi refused to serve drinks and play music on Friday night. Several Vietnamese Facebook users replaced their profile pictures with a national flag of mourning.
Trong was educated in the Soviet Union and was considered a Marxist-Leninist ideologue, but he nevertheless maintained ties to the United States.
In 2017, he unleashed what many saw as a Chinese-style crackdown on corruption, known as the “fiery furnace,” in which hundreds of officials were investigated for corruption and many were forced to resign, including cabinet ministers, a parliamentary speaker and two state presidents.
The operation had a deterrent effect on investment.
Lam, a former head of the powerful domestic security agency, was a key player in that campaign and was elected president in May after his predecessor resigned amid accusations of unspecified wrongdoing.
Trong hosted U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping in Hanoi last year, strengthening ties with the two countries despite growing tensions between the United States and China.
The US Embassy in Vietnam said in a statement that Trong was a visionary leader who served as a bridge between Vietnam and the United States of America for decades, and congratulated him on being the first Vietnamese party leader to visit the United States.
The Chinese Communist Party also sent a message of condolences to Vietnam, calling him a staunch Marxist and a good comrade, brother and friend, state media reported.
(With contributions from the agency)
Sources 2/ https://www.news18.com/world/vietnams-top-leader-nguyen-phu-trong-dies-at-80-after-long-rule-pm-modi-extends-condolences-8972010.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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