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Covid-19: Entrepreneurs Urge PM Modi To Increase Infrastructure And Capacity Testing


India remains at the bottom of all countries affected by coronavirus disease (Covid-19) when it comes to detecting suspect cases, even though the number of cases in the country is increasing rapidly. India has an urgent need to test, not only those who could die, but also those who could spread the virus. A group of entrepreneurs and venture capitalists has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, asking him to develop testing infrastructure and capabilities by allowing the private sector to participate in the testing process.

In a presentation prepared by venture capitalists and founders of 51 start-ups and companies, including Abhiraj Singh Bhal, co-founder of Urban Company (formerly Urban Clap), founder of CRED Kunal Shah and co-founder from Snapdeal Kunal Bahl, said that countries that acted "early and strongly", such as South Korea, Singapore and Japan, managed to somewhat control the spread compared to countries that acted late – the ; Irab, Italy, France and the United States, among others.

"With one of the lowest coronavirus screening rates in the world, the country needs to step up its efforts by aggressively testing those who show symptoms and those who do not, as asymptomatic people are more likely to spread the virus if they are not diagnosed in time, "said the presentation.

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He noted that India needs to intensify its efforts of large-scale asymptomatic screening to diagnose community transmission. As the number of coronavirus cases increases, so does early detection of asymptomatic symptoms.

Depending on the testing protocols in force in the country, India can perform up to 10,000 tests per day.

And only those with a history of travel to high-risk countries affected by the virus and people who have come into contact with those who tested positive are invited to be quarantined for 14 days, and those who have Symptoms of infection are tested.

The entrepreneurs suggested that laboratories, hospitals and health centers should start using test data, positive and negative, with artificial intelligence (AI). They should also collect the location history of confirmed cases and quarantine people to make data-based decisions.

The Indian Medical Research Council (ICMR) laboratories have approximately 100,000 test kits and an additional 200,000 kits have been ordered. The presentations highlighted the need for the institute to assess Indian testing methods and to enable a capacity of up to 500,000 tests per day.

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The Union Department of Health has started random testing on people with respiratory conditions such as the flu and pneumonia but with no history of travel to the country. stranger to check if there has been a community transmission of coronavirus infection. But, the random tests started on a scale of 10 per week.

In this case, the tests must be performed free of charge for citizens and all medical costs of hospital quarantine and treatment for patients must be eliminated, according to the entrepreneurs.

According to WHO Director General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, countries are putting in place school closures and other measures of social distancing, but do not reinforce the main features needed to push back Covid19 – tests to find the infected, isolate the sick and quarantine their Contacts.

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The Ministry of Health must also find economical and mobile test solutions that could replace the temperature controls and also be carried out at stations.

"Collaborated with @_mekin @vivekanandahr @ 1kunalbahl @ kunalb11 @annamalai_k @ alokmittal001 @ varunjain42 and many other founders to prepare this document, urging @PMOIndia to act now and decisively to curb COVID-19. Lots of references to it. "great job from @ tomaspueyo" Abhiraj Singh Bhal said in a tweet on Wednesday.

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