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'Locked in a terrorist death cell,' Imran says in rare interview with British publication – Pakistan

'Locked in a terrorist death cell,' Imran says in rare interview with British publication – Pakistan



Jailed former prime minister Imran Khan has claimed he is being locked up like a terrorist and denied basic prisoner rights and human rights, British newspaper The Sunday Times reported.

His comments came during a rare interview with the media outlet from behind bars, conducted through his lawyers, because according to the article, he is not allowed to have a pencil and paper.

Imran, 71, has been in Adiala jail for nearly a year after being convicted in three cases – the Toshakhana reference, the cipher case and the Iddat case, in which his wife, Bushra Bibi, is also imprisoned.

Imran’s sentence in the Toshakhana case was suspended on April 1 while he was acquitted by the Islamabad High Court (IHC) in the encryption case in June. Various courts have also acquitted him in several other cases filed against him since the events of May 9, 2023, when his first arrest sparked nationwide riots, following which the state launched a crackdown on him and his party.

A district and sessions court in Islamabad had also recently accepted the appeals filed by Imran and his wife against their conviction in the Iddat case. However, soon after the court acquitted him in that case, the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) rearrested Imran and his wife in a new Toshakhana case, leaving his possible release from jail in limbo.

I am locked in a 7ft x 8ft death cell, usually reserved for terrorists to ensure they have no contact with anyone, he told the Sunday Times.

“I am in solitary confinement, with little space to move. I am under constant surveillance by security services, recorded 24/7, and denied basic prisoner and human rights, such as visitation rights,” he said.

Earlier this month, a UN human rights working group said the case against Imran was baseless and politically motivated to exclude him from politics. The group also demanded that the former cricketer be released and compensated.

Imran and his wife have sought permission to surrender to court after their latest round of arrests and remands. However, the Lahore High Court denied him bail for allegedly inciting his supporters to participate in the May 9, 2011 riots.

To further tighten the noose around Imran, the government announced earlier this week that it would impose a ban on his party, the PTI.

In view of the foreign funding case, the May 9 riots and the encryption episode as well as the resolution passed in the US, we believe there is very credible evidence to ban the PTI, Information Minister Attaullah Tarar said.

We will ban PTI and we believe that Article 17 of the Constitution gives the government the right to ban political parties, and this issue will be referred to the Supreme Court.

The announcement drew strong criticism from across the political spectrum, with parties calling the move undemocratic. The US State Department also expressed concern over the move, saying: “Banning a political party would be a matter of great concern to us.”

The information minister said the government would also submit a review petition in the Supreme Court against last week's verdict that declared the PTI eligible for seats reserved for women and minorities.

The Supreme Court delivered its verdict in favour of the PTI after concluding the hearing on a batch of appeals filed by the Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) against the denial of reserved seats for women and non-Muslims by the Peshawar High Court (PHC) and the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP).

The PTI-backed candidates, who had contested and won the February 8 elections as independents after their party was stripped of its election symbol, had joined the SIC to form a coalition of convenience.

On July 12, the Supreme Court overturned the PHC's decision and declared the election regulator's decision null and void, calling it unconstitutional.

Tarar said that regarding the Supreme Court verdict, an impression has been created that the party has got relief without asking for it.

However, Tehreek-i-Insaf was not a party to the case, the members [in question] They did not claim to be PTI candidates, and all of them submitted affidavits to the SIC and joined the party, he said, adding that according to the SIC manifesto, a non-Muslim could not become a member of the party, which is why the party could not get seats for minorities.

THE [SIC] The MPs never expressed their desire to join the PTI before the Supreme Court, therefore, considering the legal incorrectness of this decision, the ruling government party and its allies have decided to file a review petition against the Supreme Court verdict, Tarar said.

The government then filed a review petition in the Supreme Court seeking that the verdict in the reserved seats case be set aside and its operation suspended.

Referring to the Supreme Court's decision in the reserved seats case, Imran told The Sunday Times that his party had secured a significant majority of around 175 seats, not the 93 that were officially recognised after being usurped.

He said he spent most of his time in prison planning for his future, insisting he would return.

Despite my imprisonment, the entire country is counting on me for hope and resilience. But most of all, my prayers keep me going, my faith in God assures me that justice will triumph over tyranny.




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