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In China, Xi Jinping places national security above all else

In China, Xi Jinping places national security above all else
In China, Xi Jinping places national security above all else


Members of the Politburo Standing Committee, led by Xi Jinping and followed by Li Qiang, among others, attend the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on July 18, 2024.

For four days, the Chinese population was kept in the dark about the discussions taking place at the Jingxi Hotel, a military-owned establishment in western Beijing. It was there that the 400 or so members and alternates of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) met from July 15 to 18 to learn about China's road map for the coming years. The fact that the document was drafted by a working group headed by Xi Jinping himself and three of his closest loyalists gives an idea of ​​its importance.

As is the party's tradition, a first succinct communiqué summarized the main points of the plenary session as soon as it closed on Thursday, but it was not until Sunday evening, July 21, that President Xi Jinping's explanation was made public, which was 32,000 characters long in its French translation. The resolution itself is 144,000 characters long.

In the midst of this work, a formula from the head of the state-party sums up the current and future trajectory of the country: Give higher priority to national security. It actually takes precedence over everything else, so much so that the pivotal foundation for ensuring the continued and sustainable progress of China's modernization. No gesture towards a Chinese society sometimes showing signs of frustration in an economically gloomy climate is therefore expected from the regime: the party envisages to create a coordinated and highly effective national security protection system and make better use of science and technology to safeguard national security.

Global issues are getting worse

Domestic media had been building up sentiment in recent months that the third plenum, so named because it is the third of seven meetings in a five-year term of the central committee, would be a significant moment. Central Television's 7 p.m. newscast has aired stories each evening about China's successes since the reform policies enacted by Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997) at a similar meeting in 1978, while print media have positioned Xi Jinping as reformer.

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The angle towards which he is directing the country is now clear: not more openness, but preparing for a period of increasing tensions with part of the world, while trying to resolve certain internal imbalances in the country, which may show signs of vulnerability. Changes of a magnitude not seen in a century are accelerating across the world, regional conflicts and unrest continue to emerge, global issues are worsening, while external attempts to contain China are increasing.Dear Mr. Xi.

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