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Will Turkey see massacres of stray dogs? Fears grow after committee approves bill to regulate stray dog ​​numbers

Will Turkey see massacres of stray dogs? Fears grow after committee approves bill to regulate stray dog ​​numbers


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose ruling party proposed the bill, estimates that there are about 4 million stray dogs roaming Turkey's streets and rural areas. While most of these dogs are harmless, there has been an increase in the number of dogs that gather in packs and attack people.
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A Turkish parliamentary committee has approved a bill aimed at regulating the country's large stray dog ​​population, a move that has raised concerns among animal rights activists who fear many dogs will be killed or end up in neglected and overcrowded shelters.

The 17-article bill, approved Tuesday night, has sparked a conflict between animal rights groups and advocates for safer, wild-dog-free streets.

The bill must now be put to a final vote in the plenary assembly. It is not known, however, whether the text will be examined before the summer parliamentary recess.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose ruling party proposed the bill, estimates that there are about 4 million stray dogs roaming Turkey's streets and rural areas. While most of these dogs are harmless, there has been an increase in the number of dogs gathering in packs. Many people have been attacked.

The bill provides that municipalities will collect stray dogs and house them in shelters where they will be sterilized. Dogs that are suffering, terminally ill, pose a health risk to humans or are aggressive will be euthanized.

Municipalities would also be required to build dog shelters or improve conditions in existing shelters by 2028.

Mayors who fail to fulfill their responsibilities to control stray dogs face prison sentences of six months to two years. In addition, fines for people who abandon their pets would increase from 2,000 lire ($60) to 60,000 lire ($1,800).

Although the law was amended during the proceedings to limit the conditions under which dogs would be euthanized, animal rights activists fear that some municipalities will choose to kill dogs because they are sick, rather than allocating resources to shelter them.

The main opposition party, which won key municipal elections in March, says Erdogan's government will use the bill to target opposition mayors. The party also says the legislation does not include provisions to fund shelters.

Murat Pinar, who heads an association that campaigns for measures to protect streets from stray dogs, says at least 75 people, including 44 children, have been killed as a result of attacks or traffic accidents caused by dogs since 2022, when his nine-year-old daughter, Mahra, was hit by a truck after fleeing from two aggressive dogs.

Pinar's Association for Safe Streets and Defense of the Right to Life is calling for all stray dogs to be removed from the streets and wants the law to be passed before the summer holidays.

The parliamentary committee on agriculture and rural affairs held three days of tense meetings, during which some NGO representatives were not allowed to follow the proceedings. On the first day of the debate last week, Mahra's mother brandished her daughter's shoe, claiming that opposition MPs were prioritising the lives of dogs over children.

Meanwhile, activists gathered in parks to demand that the law they called the “slaughter law” be withdrawn.

Current regulations require stray dogs to be captured, sterilized and returned to the place where they were found. But the lack of enforcement in recent years has caused the dog population to explode, according to animal rights groups. They believe that proper enforcement of existing regulations would be enough to control the population.




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