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Prabowo's government to focus on food and energy sectors



Jokowi's statement was made during the inspection of the first sugarcane plantation by PT Global Papua Abadi in Sermayam Village, Tanah Miring District, Merauke Regency, South Papua Province, Tuesday (23/7).

He explained that this activity was part of a strategic step aimed at anticipating the threat of a global food crisis triggered by fairly extreme climate change.

We know that the world is currently experiencing a food crisis due to climate change, long periods of heat, long periods of drought and food independence and security, food sovereignty must be a focus. And the Pak Prabowo government has said that it will focus on food and energy, Jokowi said.

The government, Jokowi said, in the Merauke region, has tried twice to carry out various types of plantations to boost the country's agricultural sector, but to no avail. Nevertheless, he is confident in the program currently being implemented on a scientist the good ones will work.

If you look at the field, here the field is flat, water is also abundant. I think there is an opportunity to make Indonesia a food source in Merauke and its surroundings, whether it is rice, corn or sugarcane. The sugarcane and corn can then be used to make granulated sugar and bioethanol, he explained.

He also appreciated the company's efforts to protect the environment in a sustainable way. One solution is to establish a nursery that produces seeds and plants endemic to Papua to rehabilitate existing forests.

Many improvements need to be made

Food observer Dwi Andreas Santosa said that if the food sector, which in this case is closely linked to the agricultural sector, wants to succeed, then Prabowo must choose an agriculture minister like choosing a finance minister. Dwi explained that Jokowi always chose the character of the finance minister based on his abilities, not just by sharing positions or sharing the power cake.

Ms. Iriana Joko Widodo, reviewing a simulation of the use of drones in the fertilization process in 40,000 hectares of rice fields in Telaga Sari Village, Kurik District, Merauke Regency, South Papua Province, Tuesday, July 23, 2024. (Presidential Secretariat Press)

Ms. Iriana Joko Widodo, reviewing a simulation of the use of drones in the fertilization process in 40,000 hectares of rice fields in Telaga Sari Village, Kurik District, Merauke Regency, South Papua Province, Tuesday, July 23, 2024. (Presidential Secretariat Press)

Unfortunately, Dwi said, over the past 10 years, the position of Minister of Agriculture has always been occupied by someone who is not qualified, that is, who simply distributes positions. The results, Dwi said, have had a fatal impact on the development of the agricultural sector over the past 10 years. He gave an example: rice production during Jokowi's term fell by 1.04 percent per year. Thus, he said, Indonesia had to import the largest amount of rice in the past 25 years, namely 3.06 million tons last year.

What is our trade balance? Our food imports over 10 years have increased from $10.1 billion to $18.6 billion. That translates into a trade deficit of $8.9 billion to $16.3 billion. You can imagine that this is the reality. “Even though his previous promise was the same, the food sector is very important,” Dwi said in an interview with VOA.

Appoint a Minister of Agriculture who is truly professional, who really has adequate knowledge on how to advance the agricultural sector in Indonesia. This is what is very important, professional, independent, without affiliation with anyone so that he really thinks about real agricultural development. But if you distribute more cake, that's it, that's it. And this story of the last ten years will repeat itself, and even worse, he added.

According to him, in the past, Indonesia had achieved food self-sufficiency in 1984 with the position of Minister of Agriculture, Professor Sudarsono of Gadjah Mada University (UGM), who was actually qualified in the agricultural sector. Therefore, he said he understands what policies need to be implemented to advance the country's agricultural sector, not just policies that are just rhetoric and speeches.

Suddenly an idea arises, we are going to build it food industry one million hectares per year. In the last 25 years, this program has not existed. Even those who want to build in 2015 food industry What is the use of 1.25 million hectares? A total failure, right? Then suddenly the idea comes up, in the next five years, every year we will build rice fields, what is the logic in that? So there is a loss of academic rationality in such programs. Many programs are just speeches, rhetoric that does not lead to anything. Do you want this to be what we continue to do? Yes, there is no problem, he stressed.

Meanwhile, Energy Observer's Fabby Tumiwa revealed that Prabowo-Gibran needs to do several important things to increase energy security.

First, he said, there is a need to achieve a just energy transition, in the sense of encouraging the use of renewable energy so that in the future it can replace fossil fuels. He said this is very urgent because 87 percent of energy consumption in Indonesia still comes from fossil fuels. Apart from that, it is said that Indonesia still imports 60 percent of fuel for its domestic needs.

Fossil fuels cause an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, thus contributing to the increase in global greenhouse gas emissions that impact global warming and climate change. There is a climate crisis in many countries, including Indonesia, which is why there is a long El Niño that causes crop failures, etc. “And Indonesia is the fifth largest greenhouse gas emitter in the world. So there is no denying that Indonesia must be responsible, by rapidly reducing the use of fossil energy,” Fabby said.

According to Fabby, another energy problem that Prabowo needs to solve immediately is the energy subsidy that Jokowi cannot solve and even tends to get worse. According to his records, subsidies and compensations for fossil fuels reach almost 15 percent of the APBN. This makes the budget situation quite tight, thus hindering other important programs such as reducing poverty and increasing the country's human development index, creating jobs, etc.

The budget allocated for this purpose has been swallowed up by subsidies. “So, in my opinion, the government in the future must be able to manage subsidies, which means not removing subsidies but reforming subsidies so that subsidies are given only to those who deserve to receive subsidies. I also hope that subsidies will be used for the development of renewable energy, not dirty energy,” he explained.

Prabowo should also be able to ensure access to affordable and sustainable energy in all regions of Indonesia. Jokowi, Fabby said, previously aimed for electrification to reach 100 percent throughout Indonesia by 2019, but this was postponed to 2024. It is not certain whether this goal will be achieved by the end of 2024. Prabowo must therefore be able to ensure the quality of access to sustainable and equitable energy from Sabang to Merauke. In this way, in addition to electricity, it can support people's daily lives and can also be used for more productive activities to properly boost the regional economy.

This is an obstacle because if I look at the situation today, remote areas and villages do not have 24-hour electricity, which prevents people from using it for productive activities. “In fact, this is important if we want to encourage the economic improvement of society, especially in the 3T, disadvantaged, isolated and border areas,” he concluded. [gi/jm]




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