PequinProminent Chinese women's rights activist Huang Xueqin has been sentenced to five years in prison, the latest evidence of how the regime is persecuting and nearly dismantling the country's weak feminist movement.
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The Me Too movement in China has had little impact compared to its influence in the rest of the world, including in other patriarchal societies such as India. In China, no major debate or demand has erupted and the government has preemptively suppressed it without leaving a vacuum for it to flourish.
Pequn has been relentless. Huang Xueqin has been detained since September 2021 and was sentenced to five years in prison for inciting subversion of state power, a definition that, along with organizing riots, is a broad umbrella for dissidents. Indeed, in addition to his conviction, his colleague, labor rights activist Wan Jianbing, who had also reported sexual harassment at work, was sentenced to three years and six months. The government has a zero tolerance policy for social movements and does not want there to be any space for dissent.
Journalist and activist Huang Xueqin was a prominent figure in the feminist movement in early 2018, having done nothing more than create a platform to collect testimonies of sexual harassment and offer advice. She also organized conferences and surveys at universities where sexual harassment was reported to be widespread.
The European Union called for the immediate and unconditional release of the two activists and said the sentences illustrate the severe restrictions on fundamental freedoms in China. Currently, most of the activists are either in jail or in prison, like Lu Pin.
Feminism has had a low profile and has been viewed from a Western perspective, even a bit cheesy. In 2011, it was reported that a group of women had occupied a men's public restroom to protest the lack of women's restrooms. And in 2012, police dispersed a group of 10 women south of Tiananmen Square who were protesting domestic violence in blood-stained wedding dresses. The movement grew through social media around small working groups that organized debates, audiovisual productions and even plays.
In 2015, the government had already acted forcefully by preemptively arresting five activists who had simply intended to distribute leaflets against harassment and groping on public transport. They spent 37 days in prison and the international repercussions probably facilitated their release. Since then, the pressure has increased: hundreds of Internet groups have been closed and associated content censored. In universities, pressure has been exerted to avoid debates.
Peng Shuai case
In China, no actress, singer or artist has publicly defended Me Too. Two relevant cases have emerged. That of retired tennis player Peng Shuai, who denounced in November 2021 the abuse and sexual harassment by former Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli. The censorship deleted the message. The proximity of the Beijing 2022 Winter Games gave the case international relevance. In reality, I know that over time, it was forgotten and the tennis player disappeared from public life.
The other major case is the sexual harassment accusation brought by screenwriter Xianzi against a famous TV presenter. The case was tried and the charge was dismissed in 2022.
It is curious that feminism was feared at a time when the triumph of the Communist Party meant an advance for women's rights. Mao's famous phrase, Women hold up half the sky, demanded equality. The new regime recognized women's rights to education, work and property, while abolishing discriminatory practices such as concubinage.
The Confucian tradition
With Xi Jinping's rise to power in 2012, activists and lawyers began to be persecuted and social media controls increased. The message to women also changed. The Chinese president has returned to the essence of Confucian tradition and encourages women to focus on motherhood and home.
The current Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hua Chunying, one of the women who have reached one of the highest positions in the Chinese administration, is an example of the breadth of the concept of equality in China. Hua could not think of a better way to celebrate the vindictive March 8 than to invite journalists and diplomats, exclusively women, to a day of seeing flowers and a fashion show in China is not celebrated with protests, at best. Cases of flowers are offered to colleagues and online platforms offer an assortment of discounts on products such as makeup or underwear.
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