President Joko Widodo attended the Digital Financial Economy and Indonesian Creative Works Festival at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC)
harianmerdekapost.com,Senayan, Jakarta- Thursday (01/08/2024). In his speech, the President believed in the potential of Indonesia's digital economy in the future.
I have repeatedly spoken about Indonesia's digital potential and opportunities in the future. The digital economy will quadruple by 2030, reaching USD 210 billion to USD 360 billion, or if converted to IDR 5.8 trillion, President Jokowi said.
The President also said that digital payments will grow 2.5 times in 2030 to reach $760 billion, equivalent to IDR 12.3 trillion. According to him, this growth can be achieved because Indonesia is supported by the maximum demographic bonus in 2030, namely 68 percent of productive age, including millennials, Gen Z, and Gen A.
Apart from this, he continued, the number of active mobile phones in Indonesia currently reaches 354 million mobile phones, which exceeds the current population of 280 million.
This means that one person can own several mobile phones. With the number of Internet users having reached 185 million, this is also a very large figure. The potential is enormous, he says.
This is why the Head of State stressed that digital transformation, especially in the economic and financial sectors, is very important. This great potential is increasingly driven by the rapid development of technology, including the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in various sectors, from administration to services to entertainment.
Furthermore, with the number of MSMEs reaching 64 million, President Jokowi highlighted the great opportunity for Indonesian MSMEs to adapt to this digital transformation.
Digitization of MSMEs will drive the growth of our digital economy and digital payments, the President said.
The President stressed that digital transformation in MSMEs must be inclusive and equitable, so that people in the periphery, lower economic communities, micro economy and MSMEs can enjoy the same access, opportunities and protection.
The President also instructed OJK and BI to increase public protection in the digital economy sector.
Our financial literacy is still weak, if I remember correctly, about 50% of the population is still vulnerable to the risk of fraud and digital crime. Therefore, prepare a consumer protection system. Ensure the security of consumer data. “Don't let the little people become the ones who suffer losses,” he concluded.
On this occasion, in addition to inaugurating the opening of the Indonesian Digital Financial Economy Festival, the President also launched the Indonesian Payment System 2025-2030 project.
The President was also accompanied by Cabinet Secretary (Seskab) Pramono Anung, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs (Menko Ekonomi) Airlangga Hartarto, Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Perry Warjiyo, Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani and Minister of Industry, Tourism and Creative Economy (Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno.
Editor: Andi A
Author: Edi A.
(Hmp Editorial Team)
Number of views of the publication: 63
Sources 2/ https://harianmerdekapost.com/presiden-joko-widodo-menghadiri-festival-ekonomi-keuangan-digital-dan-karya-kreatif-indonesia-di-jakarta-convention-center-jcc/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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