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Shadow Minister of Housing faces eviction as plan to turn office into ‘matchbox’ apartments


Labor’s shadow housing minister faces eviction from his constituency office building as he plans to turn it into shoddy matchbox apartments.

Weaver Vale MP Mike Amesbury could be kicked out of the 1970s office building in Runcorn, Cheshire, as Boris Johnson’s controversial planning rules are extended nationwide.

The developers plan to turn the block into 108 apartments – seven of which will be smaller than the minimum space standards recommended by the government.

A previous request for 170 apartments, which would have seen a third less than the minimum standard, was withdrawn in December after a local outcry.

But under new ‘authorized development’ rules being rolled out as part of Mr Johnson’s ‘Project Speed’ developers are allowed to convert office buildings into apartments without applying for a permit to build complete.

Boards are only allowed to oppose proposals on a very limited number of grounds.

The prime minister said the new rules would make it easier to build “better houses where people wanted to live.”

But Mr Amesbury formally opposes the plan.

He warned that the developer’s proposal did not mention any plans to replace single-glazed windows in 1970s buildings or efforts to remove asbestos that may exist in the building.

And he said the proposals for just 60 parking spaces are insufficient.

Mr Amesbury said: It’s bad enough that the current rules allow developers to turn dilapidated old office buildings into cheap apartments, but under the government’s new Developer Charter, these appalling conversions will become the standard.

“[Communities Secretary] Robert Jenrick says the scheduling system is not working, but the truth is that most of the requests are approved. These are the conservatives who give their developer friends a head start, outright – to the detriment of local communities.

He added, “I will fight tooth and nail against these plans, but if the government passes these changes into law, nothing will stop the wealthy Conservative developers from doing what they love here in Runcorn or elsewhere. I fear we are now facing a new era of slum housing in this country.

The people of Runcorn and across the country are pleading with the government to put their streets before Downing Street: they need good quality housing, not matchbox apartments in converted 1970s office buildings. “

A spokesperson for the MHCLG said: These claims are totally false. Authorized development rights make a significant contribution to building the homes our country needs and are essential to helping our economy recover from the pandemic by helping our high streets adapt and encouraging the regeneration of disused buildings. .

All developers must meet the highest possible design standards and the changes we make will continue to improve the quality of these homes.

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