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Luhut seeks help from the Netherlands in the face of the WTO lawsuit


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Minister responsible for the coordination of maritime affairs and investments, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan has called on the Dutch government for action from the European Commission, the Executive Council of the European Union, which has sued Indonesia before the World Trade Organization (WTO). The lawsuit was filed following Indonesia's policy to ban the export of nickel ore from January 1, 2020.

"Yesterday we met the Netherlands, I said, you help us, why can't we take advantage of the added value of our natural production. We want to be a developed country," said Luhut during of an official live broadcast from the Department of the Maritimes and Investment, Wednesday March 18, 2020..

In this way, Luhut said that Indonesia could create many new jobs and add taxes. He said that this plan was the goal of President Joko Widodo or Jokowi to make his people prosperous.

"Our exports from Morowali are stainless steel and carbon steel could reach more than $ 12 billion," said Luhut.

Luhut also revealed that by producing raw materials, the country can employ thousands of the nation's children. According to him, this number is greater than the number of foreign workers employed in the project.

He assured that it was not a product. Luhut also doesn't want to lie to the public. "The government does not want to lie to the people. My reputation is at stake," said Luhut.

Previously, President Joko Widodo or Jokowi had said that he was not afraid of the trial that the European Union had submitted to the World Trade Organization (WTO) concerning the policy of 39; export of nickel ore. Jokowi made sure the government was ready to deal with it.

"Being sued by the WTO is nothing, we face it. Do not think (being) prosecuted, nervous or not," said Jokowi when releasing the first export of Isuzu Traga at the Isuzu Karawang factory, Suryacipta Industrial Estate, East Karawang, Thursday December 12, 2019..

Jokowi explained that for decades, Indonesia depended only on exports of raw products. Even if Indonesia can first process it into semi-finished or finished products in order to get added value.

Meanwhile, the letter of notification of the proposed trial has been submitted by the Permanent Representative or the Ambassador of the European Union to the Ambassador of Indonesia in Geneva, Switzerland, on 22 November 2019. "The European Union will take legal action against Indonesia," said the Permanent Representative of Indonesia to the UN, the WTO and international organizations. . the other in Geneva, Ambassador Hasan Kleib, in his statement in Jakarta, Thursday, November 28, 2019.

The lawsuit was brought because the European Union found that three Indonesian politicians violated a number of provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), a previous agreement of the ; WTO. The first three are restrictions on the export of mineral products, in particular nickel, iron ore and chromium which are used as raw materials for the stainless steel industry in the 39; European Union.

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