Hunan Bridge Banner and White Paper Movement Activist Missing

By Tenzin Nyidon
DHARAMSHALA, August 6: Fang Yirong, a Chinese protester known for his recent demonstration on a bridge in China’s Hunan province, has gone missing. On July 30, Fang unfurled a banner calling for “freedom, democracy and elections” and denouncing Chinese President Xi Jinping as a “dictator” and “authoritarian traitor.”
A pre-recorded video, The video, posted on August 2 on X (formerly Twitter), shows Fang introducing himself as a young participant in the White Paper Movement, but does not directly reference the Hunan Banner Protest. In the video, Fang states: “Last summer, I posted pro-democracy comments on Telegram and was targeted by the National Security Department of the Communist Party of China. Since then, the National Security Department has subjected me to brutal and inhumane persecution through mind control. I am releasing this video now to prove that I am no longer afraid of them. Tyranny is inevitably terrifying, but authority cannot crush the human spirit. Xi Jinping can continue to persecute us, but he cannot prevent the ideas of democracy from taking root and sprouting in the hearts of the Chinese people again and again. The waters of the Yangtze River will not flow against the current. I hope that the Chinese people can soon free themselves from tyranny and lead a better life.” “After doing this, I might be officially declared mentally ill by the Chinese Communist Party. I might also die in prison, but I won't regret it.

In another article on X, Jennifer Zeng, a journalist and China expert, translated a letter from Fang Yirong that was published online. In the letter, Fang detailed the political persecution he faced at the hands of China’s Ministry of Public Security, describing “daily surveillance, intimidation, and harassment” by agents. He wrote: “I participated in poster activities at the end of the White Paper Revolution because of my dissatisfaction with the dictatorial tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party. I also repeatedly denounced Xi Winnie the Pooh’s dictatorship and feudalism on the Internet. Eventually, I was reported for fomenting a rebellion within the CCP’s black police group, the ‘White Paper Matrix.’ Since July last year, I have been suppressed and persecuted by the vicious government.”
The banner displayed by Fang Yirong on the Hunan Bridge bore slogans strikingly similar to those displayed during the October 2022 Sitong Bridge protest in Beijing’s Haidian District by Peng Lifa, who was immediately arrested. The slogans read: “No COVID test, we want to eat. No restrictions, we want freedom. No lies, we want dignity. No cultural revolution, we want reform. No leaders, we want votes. By not being slaves, we can be citizens.” Another banner urged residents to strike at school and work to “depose the dictator and traitor to the nation Xi Jinping.”
Such acts of protest are unusual in China, where freedom of speech and criticism are heavily repressed, and demonstrations often provoke a strong response from the authorities. Observers note that the appearance of such banners reflects growing discontent with the Chinese Communist Party’s strict control over public expression, particularly after the implementation of the “Zero COVID” policy. This policy has sparked sporadic protests against Xi Jinping and the CCP’s governance.
Sources 2/ http://www.phayul.com/2024/08/06/50674/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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