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IIT Kharagpur students invited to participate in Centre for Narendra Modi Studies event

IIT Kharagpur students invited to participate in Centre for Narendra Modi Studies event
IIT Kharagpur students invited to participate in Centre for Narendra Modi Studies event


New Delhi: After the Centre for Narendra Modi Studies (CNMS) announced an essay competition on the theme of how Prime Minister Narendra Modi strengthened India's global relations, IIT Kharagpur has asked its students to participate, The telegraph reported.



The newspaper quoted An IIT official said the students were invited to participate in the competition after receiving a circular from the Union Education Ministry.

An email from the IIT Kharagpur Technology Students Gymkhana quoted the institute director urging students to participate with full vigor so that we can bag the first prize in the competition, The telegraphThe report also states.



Based in Delhi and Aligarh in Uttar Pradesh, the Narendra Modi Study Center claims to be an independent trust and includes among its objectives the organization of programs on the theme of [the] the life, thoughts and achievements of Narendra Modi.>

He announcement Last month, an essay contest was held across India, offering prizes worth Rs 10,000, Rs 7,500 and Rs 5,000 respectively to the winner and two runners-up, which it said it would distribute on Modi's birthday, September 17.



The then Governor of Chhattisgarh, Biswabhusan Harichandan, who was replaced by Ramen Deka later last month, would be the chief guest at the event, the Centre said, adding that the event was to be held at the famous India International Centre in Delhi.

The CNMS announcement said Modi has significantly improved India's relations with countries across the world by working closely with them.

His leadership has strengthened trade and cultural ties, as well as strategic partnerships. Prime Minister Modi's actions have made India more influential globally, fostering peace and prosperity among nations, the statement continued.

Jasim Mohammad, who chairs the CNMS, saidThread in an interview Last year, after meeting Modi, he felt that the Prime Minister is not a person and Narendra Modi is the name of a thought, it is an ideology and a school of thought.



The CNMS, which included among its members a Union minister and former chief minister of Madhya Pradesh Shivraj Singh Chouhan as guest of honour at an event he co-hosted earlier this year to mark the anniversary of ER, he also organised an essay competition last year.

Talk to The telegraphA researcher from IIT Kharagpur said about this year's competition: We have heard that other IITs have sent a similar circular to their students asking them to participate in the competition.>

Earlier this year, the University Grants Commission asked higher education institutions to projecting a speech that Modi was due to deliverand requested that Viksit Bharat posters featuring the Prime Minister be placed at programme venues,The telegraph reported in March.>

Last year, some colleges of Delhi University made it mandatory for students to attend a live telecast of their centenary celebrations, where Modi was to be the guest of honourHindu College offered students five days of attendance points in exchange for their attendance.






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