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Australian medical worker stuck in Jakarta as infections rise


Health ministry officials said more than 100 hospitals are ready to accept patients who have contracted the disease, and more laboratories capable of processing the tests are online.

But Indonesia had only allowed one laboratory, the laboratory of the government-owned Health Research and Development Agency, to perform tests to date and it is far behind neighboring countries in terms of the number of people tested.

A security check the body temperature of a passenger at Tugu station on March 12, 2020 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

A security check the body temperature of a passenger at Tugu station on March 12, 2020 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.Credit:Ulet Ifansasti

Indonesian President Joko Widodo said on Thursday that large-scale rapid tests would be rolled out across the country. The news came as the number of cases increased rapidly, and after the national government dragged its feet for more than a month to respond to the crisis.

The government's rapid response team will hold talks with religious organizations and bodies on how to prevent the spread of the coronavirus at mass rallies, he said.

International and local schools in Jakarta have suspended their courses and expatriates are leaving more and more. The president told people that working, studying and worshiping at home "should not be considered a vacation opportunity".


Joko also reported the use of government-owned hotels and the Asian Games athlete village to accommodate patients with coronavirus.

Age and The Herald have spoken to several health professionals working across Indonesia who have consistently stated that the country's health system is already struggling to meet demand for services.

The Australian man described symptoms that had progressed from diarrhea and fever, initially, to a sore throat and cough, then tightness in the chest and difficult breathing.

"Given the current circumstances, getting tested for Covid-19 is the responsible thing to do," he said.


"So I went to Gatot Soebroto (a large hospital in Jakarta) … they investigated my symptoms and traveled and asked me to come back today (Monday) for tests … I returned, waited an hour in a registration queue and by the time I signed up, I was told that my likely screening appointment would be Thursday, "he said.

"This screening appointment is not a test. It is a screening appointment in which they determine whether you are eligible for the test."

"I cannot return to Australia for tests and treatments (because) it is irresponsible to fly under the circumstances … I would not be eligible for medivac and an airline would not let me board a plane.


The man, who is undertaking work in Jakarta related to the country's health system, said it was clear that the system was already unable to cope with the number of people presenting for a test or for medical treatment.

"It’s already chaos. The system at Gatot Sabroeto was a mess. Panic and hypochondria clearly obstructed the system so that really sick patients didn’t get tested, and there wasn’t has no intervention to sort this out properly or remedy it. There were literally hundreds of people submitting for the test. Reference letters for the test are only available in one of the eight designated hospitals in Jakarta. "

A mass rally of thousands of Muslim pilgrims in southern Sulawesi was postponed until the last minute, amid fears that the event could lead to an outbreak of new infections. A similar recent event in Malaysia has led to the reporting of dozens of new cases.

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