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Opinion | What Marco Polo and Matteo Ricci Can Teach China and Italy Today

Opinion | What Marco Polo and Matteo Ricci Can Teach China and Italy Today


Marco Polo's legacy has lasted for centuries. Italian missionary Matteo Ricci and painter Giuseppe Castiglioneboth Jesuits, are also famous for their contributions to Sino-Italian relations.

Arriving in China in the sixteenth century, Ricci understood that evangelization in a country with such deep cultural foundations required an adaptive strategy. He adopted the robes of a Confucian scholar and studied Chinese literature and philosophy. He won the admiration of scholars such as Xu Guangqi and Li Zhi, and introduced European geometry, astronomy, and mechanical clocks to China. His approach demonstrated that genuine commitment and mutual respect can foster deep and lasting connections between cultures.

In the 18th century, Castiglione was called to the Qing imperial court as a painter and served under three emperors: Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong. There he studied Chinese ink painting, collaborated with Chinese artists, and combined traditional Chinese aesthetics with Italian chiaroscuro techniques. These historic exchanges laid the cultural foundations for modern diplomacy and offer important lessons.


Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni reaffirms ties with Xi Jinping in Beijing

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni reaffirms ties with Xi Jinping in Beijing

During Melonis’ visit, the World Art Museum in Beijing hosted an exhibition on Marco Polo and the Silk Road, featuring 135 objects including manuscripts, paintings, sculptures, porcelain, textiles and glassware from Italian and Chinese institutions. The exhibition highlighted the enduring friendship between the two nations, highlighting how trade, art and culture have enriched both societies.

Diplomats could draw inspiration from the trajectories of Marco Polo, Ricci and Castiglione to foster mutual understanding between cultures. This approach could help countries manage complex issues such as trade disputes and different political systems.

Melonis' visit was not only a balancing act, but also a strategic Italy is not jeopardizing its relations with its Western allies, but rather seeking to position itself as a bridge between East and West. This approach could offer greater diplomatic power and economic opportunities to Italy and, more broadly, to the European Union.
For example, Italy's support for the EU rates of up to 37.6 percent The EU's decision to launch an economic cooperation programme with China on electric vehicles appears to contradict its efforts to boost economic cooperation with China. But it reflects the delicate balance that EU countries must strike between protecting their domestic industries and developing their trade relations.
And that stands in stark contrast to the more confrontational stance of the United States. Chinese electric vehicle tariffs quadrupled Italy and China have expressed divergent views, but their willingness to engage in constructive dialogue demonstrates a desire to find common ground.


Italy believes strong partnership with China is more important than staying in Belt and Road Initiative

Italy believes strong partnership with China is more important than staying in Belt and Road Initiative

Italy is pushing for fairer trade relations, aiming to address a trade deficit that hit $40 billion ($43.68 billion) last year. That economic imbalance is a major concern, but it also offers an opportunity for both countries to negotiate terms that benefit their industries.

Melonis' visit to China resulted in a three-year action planDuring his meeting with Meloni, Chinese Premier Li Qiang called for cooperation in sectors such as shipbuilding, aerospace, new energy and artificial intelligence (AI). Italy's withdrawal from China's Belt and Road Initiative last year may have appeared as a setback in bilateral relations, but it also paved the way for a more balanced and mutually beneficial relationship.
The emphasis on collaboration between small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as in sectors such as electric vehicles and AI, indicates a pragmatism in Sino-Italian relations. Both countries seem to recognize that cooperation and competition can coexist in their relationship. AI Governancefor example, indicates recognition of a broader need to build trust and an inclusive mindset.
This is not a sign that European nations are drawn into China's orbit but rather a recognition of the benefits that cooperation can bring. The narrative that the EU and China should decoupleor cannot cooperate, is increasingly being questioned.


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Could a far-right shift in the European Parliament change its relationship with China?

The power of culture and the arts in building relationships is highlighted in recent exhibitions hosted by China and Italy to commemorate the 700th anniversary of Marco Polo's death. The Doge's Palace in Venice, for example, is exhibiting The Worlds of Marco Poloa showcase of more than 300 works, including paintings, historical objects and literary contributions.

By emphasizing the importance of cultural openness and curiosity, the exhibition reminds us how cultural and interpersonal exchanges can bridge gaps.

Even as nations navigate complex economic and political relationships, shared cultural experiences can create lasting bonds and open new avenues of cooperation. International relations should not be reduced to battles for military and economic power. Diplomacy can be multifaceted, encompassing art, science, philosophy, and human relations.

By leveraging rich cultural ties and emphasizing mutually beneficial economic cooperation, countries could forge relationships that not only serve their national interests but also contribute to global stability, prosperity and sustainability.

Gerui Wang is a lecturer at Stanford University.




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