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Republican Royce White to face Amy Klobuchar in November, early primary results show • Minnesota Reformer

Republican Royce White to face Amy Klobuchar in November, early primary results show • Minnesota Reformer


Royce White will face U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar in November after winning Tuesday's Republican primary election, according to unofficial primary results.

The former NBA player, who won the endorsement of the Minnesota Republican Party in May, defeated Navy veteran Joe Fraser. The business executive was endorsed by Minnesota Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty and former U.S. Sens. Norm Coleman and Rudy Boschwitz.

Come on communists, the people are coming! tweeted White on Tuesday evening, accompanied by an excerpt from a fight scene from the film Troy.

Minnesota Republican voters chose White despite his scandal-ridden past: He pleaded guilty to theft and disorderly conductfallen behind on child support, women denigrated And LGBTQ peopleand allegedly violated campaign finance laws by making illegal donations spending thousands of dollars in campaign donations to strip clubs and mysterious wire transfers, among other scandals. He also called himself an anti-Semite on his own Twitter profile.

Klobuchar, first elected in 2006, is heavily favored to win in November.

White is likely to be a distraction for Minnesota Republicans, now forced to run with a candidate who is a MAGA conspiracy theoristhis vision of the world once described by Mother Jones This way:

He believes that Democrats, Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, President Xi Jinping, the CCP, non-MAGA Republicans, George Soros, purple-haired liberal white millennial women, the LGBTQ Church, the National Basketball Association, and various government agencies are all acting on behalf of the same global corporate community.

Minnesota DFL Chairman Ken Martin said in a statement that Republicans had chosen a far-right extremist as their candidate.

“While Royce White’s language and policies seek to divide Minnesotans, Sen. Amy Klobuchar works to bring people together to get things done, and she is consistently ranked among the most bipartisan and effective lawmakers in the Senate. The choice this November couldn’t be clearer,” Martin said.

White has the support of former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, currently in federal prison, and disgraced conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

Former GOP Rep. Andy Brehm was distraught Tuesday night. Echoing the sentiment of GOP elites, he written on X:Serious parties don't do this kind of thing.




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