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Ricky Gervais teams up with surprise stars to promote major campaign – details

Ricky Gervais teams up with surprise stars to promote major campaign – details
Ricky Gervais teams up with surprise stars to promote major campaign – details


Virgin Radio

August 15, 2024, 3:09 p.m.

Credit: @bantrophyhuntinguk on Instagram

Ricky Gervais and many other famous faces have joined a campaign to end trophy hunting.

The Office actor has designed an exclusive collection of T-shirts, hoodies and more to raise funds for the Ban on trophy hunting campaign.

And in addition to Gervais' personal support for the project, several of his famous friends have also lent their support to the project, including celebrities such as Brian Cox of SuccessionLorraines Lorraine Kelly and presenter and actress Vicki Michelle.

Speaking about the campaign in a statement in July, Gervais shared:There are few things in the world as immoral as shooting an animal just for fun and then bragging about it. It is simply disgusting, cowardly and downright deranged.

Elephants are incredible creatures that mean a lot to me. They are also endangered. That is why I designed this t-shirt. I hope people will buy them and help the campaign to ban trophy hunting to expose and end this so-called unhealthy sport for good.

Sadly, British hunters are still involved in overseas trophy hunting today, hence the need for celebrities to support this campaign.

Jane Goodall, Brian Blessed, Downton Abbey actor Peter Egan and Boris Johnson's father Stanley Johnson are other names who have recently been photographed wearing Gervais designs to show their support for the cause.

Lorrain Kelly captioned her photo of herself wearing Rickys t-shirt saying: It's a DISGRACE that British hunters can kill elephants for fun and import their sick trophies. Help Ricky #BanTrophyHunting.

On a lighter note, Gervais recently took to social media to also share his funny reaction at a viral moment from last week's Paris 2024 Olympics.

After watching the now infamous footage of Australian breakdancer Raygun competing in the new breakdancing competition at the Games, the comedian took to X to ask his followers: How do you rate my chances of breaking at the next Olympics?

Unfortunately for Gervais and anyone else who thinks they have a chance in the sport, it has been revealed that breakdancing will not be returning to the 2028 Los Angeles Games, as its stint in Paris was only a trial run.




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