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Imran seeks help from British PMs to raise awareness of threats to Pakistani democracy

Imran seeks help from British PMs to raise awareness of threats to Pakistani democracy


This combination of images shows former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan (left) and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer (right). AFP/Archives

LONDON: Former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan has asked newly elected Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer for help in raising awareness of threats to democracy in Pakistan.

In an interview with ITV News from Adiala Jail, Imran Khan congratulated the new British Prime Minister on his election victory but asked him to imagine senior Labour figures being abducted in the middle of the night during the British election campaign to understand the erosion of democracy in Pakistan.

“I have been locked up in a 2m x 2.5m death cell for almost a year, a space usually reserved for terrorists and death row inmates,” he said through his lawyers. ITV said his lawyers had sent responses to questions sent by ITV News. Surveillance is constant, denying any semblance of privacy. The 71-year-old former cricketer said he was determined and ready for democratic change, adding that despite his condition, prayers, reading and exercise had given him strength. “I am mentally and physically ready for the struggle ahead. Genuine democratic change and freedom in Pakistan was never going to be easy,” he said.

Khan told ITV: “I invite Prime Minister Starmer and his cabinet, who came to power through the genuine will of the people without any electoral manipulation, to imagine if their landslide victory had been stolen from them. Imagine a scenario where a party that won just 18 seats usurped your mandate, where your party symbols were stripped and your leaders imprisoned or tortured until they changed allegiance or left politics altogether. Imagine homes being broken into and women and children being abducted in the dead of night.” He added that his party had been brutally repressed.

The people of Pakistan yearn for change, democracy and the rule of law. Their vote is a call for justice, self-determination and freedom.

ITV also interviewed Imran Khan's international adviser Sayed Zulfiqar Bukhari, who confirmed that Khan is now seeking to become the next chancellor of Oxford University, where he studied in the 1970s.

Sayed Zulfiqar Bukhari said a nomination form had been filed on his behalf for an election later this year. If elected, he would replace Chris Patten, the former government minister.

Asked by ITV News whether a new British government should amplify calls for his release, Khan warned that the administration carried a huge responsibility and high expectations on the international stage.

The world is watching and expecting them to show leadership, particularly in light of the horrific situation in Gaza and the erosion of democratic principles globally. We have a collective duty to uphold the values ​​of peace and to fight for freedom and fairness for all. Where the UK stands in its commitment to these values ​​will speak volumes.

Khan added that Starmer should do more to tackle anti-Muslim hatred in the UK. Having spent a lot of time in the UK during my cricketing days, I am saddened to see the rise of Islamophobia over the last decade. I hope the new government can put a stop to the bigotry that has affected Muslims and people of all faiths.




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