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Muslim event in Indonesia stopped due to fears of coronavirus


JAKARTA – A gathering of Muslim pilgrims that attracts thousands to Indonesia has been stopped due to fears that it may help spread the new coronavirus, an official said.

But elsewhere in Indonesia, a Christian gathering was held with more than 1,000 people despite official discouragement from large religious meetings.

The most populous Muslim-majority country in the world has reported fewer than 300 cases of coronavirus, but there are suspicions that many have gone unnoticed and health professionals have accused the government of a "shy" response.

For days, authorities tried to persuade Ijtima Asia, part of the global Tablighi Jama & # 39; at movement of evangelical Muslims, to stop the event in Gowa, near the town of Makassar, in South Sulawesi Province, after a similar event in Malaysia resulted in hundreds of infections.

"Alhamdulillah (Praise be to God), Ijtima finally agreed to postpone / cancel," said regency director of Gowa Adnan Purichta Ichsan on Wednesday.

Pilgrims already there would be isolated as they make arrangements to leave Gowa, he added. Over 8,500 people from Indonesia, Asia and the Middle East have converged in the region.

After resisting the closing of the event and defiantly declaring "we are more afraid of God" than the coronavirus on Wednesday, organizer Mustari Bahranuddin said that he would follow the directive of the event. cancel the prayer gathering.

But he said it would be difficult to quickly disperse the crowd, many of whom had arrived by ferry.

"We need a process to send participants home," he told Reuters on Thursday. "The ship has its own schedule."

The proselytizing movement Tablighi Jama’at behind the rally in Indonesia organized an event in Malaysia from February 27 to March 1 that drew 16,000 followers and led to more than 500 coronavirus infections.

Photos and videos of the Indonesian rally posted on social networks showed crowds of men seated against each other in a huge tent.

Participants came from all parts of Indonesia, a sprawling archipelago of over 250 million people. Hundreds of others came from other countries in Southeast Asia, as well as the Middle East, Pakistan and Bangladesh.


As the Islamic holiday ended, a grand celebration of the ordination of a Catholic bishop on the island of Flores, in eastern Indonesia, ended is unrolled, albeit on a smaller scale than expected.

About 1,000 people joined the congregation, provincial government spokesman Marius Ardu Jelamu said, less than the 8,000 initially expected.

A campaign to deter Catholics has been effective and precautions have been taken to minimize the risk of contagion, he added.

The coronavirus infection count in Indonesia was 227, with 19 deaths on Wednesday.

However, the nation had only completed 1,255 tests on Wednesday even though the World Health Organization warned the government earlier this month to step up tests to prevent much higher infections at the future.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo said Thursday the country will step up testing and urged religious leaders to reassess plans for large rallies. (Report by Tom Allard and Agustinus Beo Da Costa; Editing by Christian Schmollinger and Stephen Coates)

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