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Tinubu to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping — News — The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News

Tinubu to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping — News — The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News



President Bola Tinubu will leave for Beijing, China in the first week of September, where he will sign several Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with President Xi Jinping, his Chinese counterpart.

Presidential spokesman Ajuri Ngelale said this during a briefing with White House correspondents on Tuesday.

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He said the president would also visit two major Chinese companies, Huawei Technologies, as well as the China Railway and Construction Corporation (CRCC).

This is to achieve one of the major items on the President's agenda, which is the completion of the Ibadan-Abuja section of the Lagos-Kano high-speed rail line, Ngelale said.

He then said the president would meet with the chief executives of ten major Chinese companies with assets under management totaling more than $3 trillion across multiple sectors of the economy.

The sectors affected include, among others, information and communications technology, oil and gas, aluminium production, port construction and dredging services, financial services and satellite technology.

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Ngelale said the series of meetings and activities would have immediate and future benefits for the Nigerian economy and people.

The MoUs will include agreements to deepen cooperation in the areas of green economy, agriculture, satellite technology development, media business development and promotion, as well as blue economy development and national planning cooperation.

This will be part of a broader engagement where the two heads of state will discuss issues of mutual interest, not only in the field of economy, but also on national, regional and international security issues, the spokesperson said.

According to him, the president will then join the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) summit, where several African heads of state will be present to engage with Chinese leaders on various important issues.

He said President Tinubu would make a presentation in his capacity as Chairman of the Authority of Heads of State and Government of ECOWAS on behalf of the region.

He said Tinubu would proceed to the high-level plenary on peace and security, where he would later make a presentation on peace and security in the region and Africa.

According to him, this commitment is expected to yield tangible, immediate and future dividends for the Nigerian economy and for the benefit of the Nigerian people.

The President will place great emphasis on deliverables, ensuring that this is not a talk show but delivers results for our people, justifying any expenditure incurred during this trip, Ngelale said.




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