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Prime Minister S. Jaishankar to address UN General Assembly meeting, PM Modi to attend key summit

Prime Minister S. Jaishankar to address UN General Assembly meeting, PM Modi to attend key summit



NEW DELHI: As Prime Minister Narendra Modi travels to New York this month, he will not address the HIM session and allow External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar to speak on behalf of India at the annual debate.
According to the latest list of UN speakers, Jaishankar will address the General Assembly on September 28. Modi, meanwhile, will address the UN high-level panel.Summit “From the Future” which aims to explore ways to achieve a better future in the face of global upheaval and conflict.
Modi is expected to begin his US visit by attending the Quad summit on September 21. Interestingly, the venue for the summit will likely be Delaware, not the United Nations General Assembly in New York as previously thought.
Modi and US President Joe Biden, the summit host, will be joined by Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida for the summit.
This will be the last Quad summit for Biden and Kishida as they prepare to leave office. Japanese newspaper Nikkei Asia cited reports from Washington that the summit would be held in Biden’s hometown of Wilmington, Delaware, on September 21. TOI had earlier reported that India had proposed that the long-delayed summit, which it had to host this year, be held on the sidelines of the upcoming session of the United Nations General Assembly. Biden, however, is said to be keen to hold the summit in Delaware. Biden represented Delaware in the Senate for 36 years before becoming president.
India had also considered hosting the summit on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy this year, but Australia was not invited to the meeting.
The Indian government had initially offered to host the summit on the sidelines of the Republic Day celebrations in January, for which Biden was invited as the guest of honour, but the president declined the invitation citing scheduling issues.
Modi will be in New York to speak at a community event on September 22 at the 16,000-seat Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Long Island.
He will also speak at the UN's “Future Summit,” which will be held at the world body's headquarters on September 22-23.
The prime minister is also expected to have several bilateral meetings at the UN, including one possibly with Bangladesh's chief adviser Muhammad Yunus, who has requested a meeting with Modi in New York.
Government sources said Modi’s schedule had not yet been finalised and it was too early to confirm his bilateral engagements. According to a report by Washington’s PTI, over 24,000 members of the Indian diaspora had registered for the community event on Long Island to attend Modi’s speech. A provisional list of speakers for the general debate of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly released by the UN in July had indicated that Modi would address the high-level debate on September 26. However, according to a revised provisional list of speakers released by the UN on Friday, Jaishankar is now expected to address the general debate on September 28.
The UN is hosting an ambitious “Future Summit” where leaders will adopt the “Compact for the Future,” which will include as annexes a “global digital compact” and a “declaration on future generations.” “The summit is a high-level event, bringing together world leaders to forge a new international consensus on how we can deliver a better present and secure the future,” the UN said.




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