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Man arrested in London who embezzled millions meant for Ukraine aid | United Kingdom | News

Man arrested in London who embezzled millions meant for Ukraine aid | United Kingdom | News
Man arrested in London who embezzled millions meant for Ukraine aid | United Kingdom | News


A man accused of taking part in a plot to defraud war-torn Ukraine of millions of pounds for vital equipment is facing extradition to Poland.

Michal Kuczmierowski, a former director of the Polish government's Agency for Strategic Reserves, was staying in a rented room above a grocery store in east London when he was arrested by officers from the National Crime Agency on Monday.

The 45-year-old father-of-three is understood to have been in the UK for 10 days before his arrest, having arrived on a flight from Istanbul, Turkey. He is believed to have previously stayed in northern Cyprus.

The former senior civil servant is wanted in Poland to stand trial over allegations that the government agency he headed embezzled millions of pounds of public funds from a multitude of contracts awarded without due process.

Prosecutors want to charge him with participation in an organized crime group, as well as abuse of power and failure to comply with obligations for financial gain.

The deals under review were concluded by Kuczmierowski's department between February 2021 and November 2023. They include a $96 million EU-funded program to supply critical electricity generators to Ukraine last year.

The equipment was intended to provide emergency power to schools, hospitals and government buildings in the war-torn country. Polish prosecutors say the generators were never delivered.

According to reports in Poland, some of the equipment was sent to the country's fire services to help boost Kuczmierowski's election campaign last October, when he failed to become an MP for the then-ruling right-wing Law and Justice party.

Last Saturday, a European arrest warrant was issued by a Polish court to arrest Kuczmierowski. This warrant was forwarded to the Extradition Unit of the National Crime Agency, which carried out the operation last Monday.

Kuczmierowski appeared before Westminster magistrates on Tuesday for the start of extradition proceedings.

He faces up to 10 years in prison.

Kuczmierowski, who has vigorously denied the charges against him, has been remanded in custody and is expected to appear in court in February.

Before his arrest in London, Kuczmierowski told Polish media: “I am not fleeing justice and I am not seeking refuge. I want to return to Poland when I am guaranteed a fair trial.”

At least two other officials from his agency have been charged in the same investigation. The arrests are part of a corruption purge by Donald Tusk's new Civic Platform government, which won the country's election.




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