PTI rally in Islamabad: Call for release of Imran Khan, defence of judiciary

In Islamabad, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) is preparing for a major rally on Sunday, whose main objective is to demand the release of the party's founder, Imran Khan. The rally, scheduled to take place in the Sangjani area, has become a focal point of political tension, reflecting broader concerns over the state of the judiciary and government interference in democratic processes.
A day before the rally, senior PTI figure Asad Qaiser visited the site alongside National Assembly member Mehmood Achakzai to oversee preparations. During his visit, Qaiser expressed concern over what he saw as government attempts to undermine the independence of the judiciary. He said the government was working on a series of judicial measures aimed at weakening the judiciary, which he said would further undermine democratic principles.
Qaiser expressed concern over what he described as intimidation tactics employed by the government. He accused the administration of threatening PTI members of the National Assembly and pressuring senators to support government policies. According to Qaiser, these tactics are part of a broader strategy to stifle opposition voices and consolidate power.
Qaiser stressed that the rally is not just a political protest but a crucial referendum on the rule of law. He argued that despite efforts to marginalize the PTI and restrict its participation in elections, public support for the party remains strong. The high turnout and involvement in the preparations for the rally, he said, demonstrate the enduring commitment of PTI supporters.
He also stressed the importance of the rally to assert the constitutional rights of the PTI. Qaiser stressed that the party had obtained all necessary permissions, including a no-objection certificate (NOC) from the local administration. Any attempt to obstruct the rally, he warned, would be considered illegal.
The rally is taking place in the backdrop of recent legal developments regarding Imran Khan. Qaiser informed that the recent amendments made to the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) laws have effectively cleared Khan of charges related to the Toshakhana and Al-Qadir Trust cases. These changes, he asserted, have been upheld by the Parliament and the Supreme Court, thus resolving the legal issues that have surrounded Khan.
The PTI chief assured his supporters that despite potential obstacles, the party remained committed to holding the rally and defending its legal and constitutional rights. He stressed that Khan had the right to continue pursuing his cases in court and that the party would not be deterred by any attempt to hamper its activities.
Earlier in the day, the PTI issued an advisory to its ticket holders and assembly members, asking them to mobilise a large number of supporters for the rally. Members of the National Assembly and MNAs have been asked to bring at least 500 workers each. Those coming from more remote areas are expected to bring 150 workers. This large mobilisation effort reflects the party's determination to demonstrate its strength and solidarity at the rally.
As the rally approaches, it is clear that the PTI’s demonstration in Islamabad will be a significant political statement. With Imran Khan’s release at the forefront of the agenda, the event is poised to be a high-stakes show of force, not only in terms of political mobilisation but also in the ongoing struggle for the future of Pakistan’s judiciary and democratic integrity.
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Sources 2/ https://newskarnataka.com/world/pti-rally-in-islamabad-a-push-for-imran-khans-release-and-defence-of-judiciary/08092024/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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