Erdoan vows to act after military graduates take oath
President Recep Tayyip Erdoan has vowed to take action following the controversy surrounding a graduation ceremony at the National Defense University's (MS) Ground Forces Academy.
“Some exploiters came forward and drew their swords during the recent graduation ceremony,” Erdoan said at an event in the northwestern city of Kocaeli on September 7.
At the graduation ceremony, cadets led by valedictorian Ebru Erolu raised their swords and chanted, “We are [modern Trkiye founder] Mustafa Kemals [Atatrk] soldiers in unison.
The students also recited an oath pledging to protect the Turkish Republic, its secular values and the country's territorial integrity.
Who are you drawing your sword against? Erdoğan asked. All necessary investigations are underway on this matter. The few presumptuous people present will be purged.
Erolu received his diploma from Erdoan at the ceremony.
The president said discussions have been held with the Ministry of Defense and the Land Forces Command to quickly eliminate the individuals concerned.
“We will not allow political accounts to be taken through our military,” he added.
We will not turn a blind eye to any situation that could harm our army, known throughout the world for its superior discipline, and we will certainly take the necessary measures within the framework of democratic control mechanisms.
The ministry has already announced that an investigation is underway into the incident.
“The incident is being investigated in all its aspects,” Zeki Aktrk, the ministry's press and public relations adviser, said at a press conference on September 5.
Disciplinary action will be taken against personnel found responsible due to intent, fault or negligence, he added.
“The public should be reassured on this issue and should not trust those who create manipulations based on these images,” Aktrk said.
For the first time, female students graduated with honors from all three MS academies. Erolu, 24, graduated with honors from the Land Forces Academy, Kra Kuyumcu from the Air Force Academy and Eyda Yldrm from the Naval Academy.
Their achievements were celebrated at a ceremony held in Istanbul's Bakrky district on August 30-31.
Nearly 200 students took part in the ceremony, including 14 from the guest countries.
The Trkiye military schools were previously run by the General Staff. They underwent a major reorganization after the 2016 coup attempt orchestrated by the FET and its US-based leader, Fethullah Glen.
The foiled coup targeted key locations in Ankara, Istanbul and elsewhere, resulting in the deaths of more than 250 people.
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