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China refuses to sign ban on AI to control nuclear weapons

China refuses to sign ban on AI to control nuclear weapons
China refuses to sign ban on AI to control nuclear weapons


Humans, not artificial intelligence, should make key decisions about the use of nuclear weapons, a global summit on military AI agreed in a non-binding statement on Tuesday.

Officials at the Responsible AI in Military (REAIM) summit in Seoul, which involved nearly 100 countries including the United States, China and Ukraine, adopted the Action Plan after two days of discussions.

The agreement, which is not legally binding and has not been signed by China, stipulates that it is essential to maintain control and human involvement in all actions involving the use of nuclear weapons.

She added that AI capabilities in the military domain must be applied in accordance with applicable national and international law.

AI applications must be ethical and human-centered.

The Chinese Embassy in Seoul did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

On the military level, AI is already used for reconnaissance, surveillance and analysis and could in the future be used to select targets autonomously.

Russia was not invited to the summit because of its invasion of Ukraine.

The statement did not specify what sanctions or other penalties would be provided for violations.

The statement acknowledges that there is still a long way to go for states to keep pace with the development of AI in the military domain, stressing that they must engage in further discussions to establish clear policies and procedures.

The Seoul summit, co-hosted by Britain, the Netherlands, Singapore and Kenya, follows the inaugural event held in The Hague in February last year.

It presents itself as the most complete and inclusive platform for AI in the military domain.

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