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Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia | President Jokowi inaugurates the opening of XXI PON 2024 in Aceh President Jokowi inaugurates the opening of XXI PON 2024 in Aceh

Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia | President Jokowi inaugurates the opening of XXI PON 2024 in Aceh President Jokowi inaugurates the opening of XXI PON 2024 in Aceh
Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia | President Jokowi inaugurates the opening of XXI PON 2024 in Aceh President Jokowi inaugurates the opening of XXI PON 2024 in Aceh


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) accompanied by Mrs. Iriana Joko Widodo, officially opened the XXI National Sports Week (PON) at Harapan Bangsa Stadium, Banda Aceh City, Aceh Province, Monday night (09/09/2024). (Photo: BPMI Setpres/Muchlis Jr)

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) accompanied by Mrs. Iriana Joko Widodo, officially opened the XXI National Sports Week (PON) at Harapan Bangsa Stadium, Banda Aceh City, Aceh Province, Monday night (09/09/2024). This inauguration marks the start of the largest sporting event in Indonesia that will be attended by thousands of athletes from all provinces across the country.

The President and Mrs. Iriana arrived at the Harapan Bangsa Stadium at around 19:30 WIB. Their presence was greeted enthusiastically by the spectators who had filled the stadium. The event began with the national song Indonesia Raya sung by singer Tiara Andini, followed by the Aceh anthem and Mars PON which further ignited the spirit of nationality and sportsmanship.

After that, the reading of the holy verse of Surah Quran Ali Imran verses 133-134 by Muhammad Ahsin who is the 2nd Champion of the Qori Tilawah Branch at MTQ International in Algeria in 2022. Then, the guests were also entertained with a superb performance of Aceh Seumapa dance with energetic and meaningful movements.

Not to mention, the PON XXI theme song was also played to increase the enthusiasm of the participants and spectators. Then, the XXI PON contingent march brought together representatives of athletes and officials from all over Indonesia, starting with the referees and ending with athletes from the host provinces of North Sumatra and Aceh.

In a solemn moment, the flag of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) was raised accompanied by the PON anthem, followed by the reading of the athletes' pledge by Paris 2024 Olympic climbing gold medalist Veddriq Leonardo and the referee's pledge by shooting sports referee KS Hendry Oka.

The event then continued with the screening of a video titled “The Light of Aceh,” which shows the beauty and richness of Aceh’s culture. In his speech, President Jokowi expressed his gratitude to all parties who worked hard to make PON XXI a success.

“Tonight, I would also like to express my thanks (teurimong gash) to the regional government and all the people of Aceh who welcomed the opening of PON XXI Aceh-North Sumatra tonight,” the President said.

The procession of lighting the fire cauldron of PON XXI 2024 and a number of artistic performances and fireworks that decorated the sky of Banda Aceh concluded the inauguration ceremony of this PON.

Also accompanying the President and Mrs. Iriana at the event were Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy and his wife, Minister of Youth and Sports Dito Ariotedjo, Central Conference Chairman Lt. Gen. TNI (ret.) Marciano Norman. , Acting. Aceh Governor Safrisal ZA and his wife, and Acting. North Sumatra Governor Agus Fatoni. Also present were a number of senior Indonesian ministers and heads of high public institutions. (BPMI/DNS Settings)




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