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Erdogan: Turkey makes leap forward despite tensions

Erdogan: Turkey makes leap forward despite tensions
Erdogan: Turkey makes leap forward despite tensions



Erdogan: Turkey makes leap forward despite tensions

President Recep Tayyip Erdoan has affirmed Turkey's progress despite escalating regional tensions.

“Turkey is the only country that maintains its unity and solidarity and makes a leap forward in the problematic landscape around us,” Erdoan said in a speech at an event hosted by his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Ankara on September 10.

The president called on Turkish politicians to “strengthen the domestic front” amid continuing unrest in the region.

“No one has the right to disrupt this. We expect common sense from all political parties,” he said.

We see [dealing with] “Any issue outside of Trkiye's agenda is considered a fight.”

Erdoan criticized the opposition for raising what he described as unimportant issues.

“Whatever problem the opposition is facing, our goal is to reduce inflation to single digits. Our goal is to increase employment and exports,” he said, highlighting the government's areas of intervention.

“Our goal is to deal a fatal blow to the separatist terrorist organization [PKK]to protect our country from fire in the [western] region and to end the massacre in Gaza.

The president's remarks come as Turkey continues to battle severe forest fires that have ravaged parts of the country since mid-August.

The worst-hit region was the western city of İzmir, where fires in the districts of Karyaka, Demi, Menderes and Urla caused extensive destruction.

Although many fires have been brought under control within a week, emergency crews are still battling occasional new outbreaks.

Authorities confirmed that the largest fire in Karyaka was started by three individuals in a picnic area, while a fire in Demi was started by two children smoking in a wooded area.

Other fires were blamed on downed power lines, adding to the destruction in the area.

Fires continue to spread to surrounding communities. A wildfire broke out in Mentee district of Mula on 8 September, damaging 200 hectares of land and destroying more than 800 beehives.

Emergency services managed to bring the fire under control the next day. Cooling efforts in the area were still ongoing.

On the same day, another forest fire broke out in the Ka district in southern Antalya. The fire in the Ataloluk district damaged 17 hectares of forest, but the cause of the fire remains unclear.

Authorities have arrested a beekeeper for questioning in connection with the incident.

Addressing his party's provincial presidents, Erdoan urged them to stay focused on inclusive and action-oriented policies.

“We will preserve the affection and brotherhood between our nation and ourselves. I ask you to keep your cool in all circumstances,” he said.

“We have the trust of 85 million people. We don't have a single minute to lose.”




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