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Watch the trailer for the movie 'The Apprentice' starring Donald Trump and Roy Cohn

Watch the trailer for the movie 'The Apprentice' starring Donald Trump and Roy Cohn
Watch the trailer for the movie 'The Apprentice' starring Donald Trump and Roy Cohn


Donald Trump biopic The Apprentice released its first trailer on Tuesday ahead of the film's much-discussed October release.

The film, from director Ali Abbasi and screenwriter Gabriel Sherman, follows Sebastian Stan as a young Trump under the mentorship of Roy Cohn, played by Jeremy Strong.

In the trailer, Trump and Cohn are seen meeting, and Trump tells his future mentor after introducing himself: “Le Roy Cohn? You're brutal.”

“Guilty as charged,” Cohn replies.

Later, when Trump asks how Cohn “always wins,” Cohn shares his rules for winning.

“Attack, attack, attack; admit nothing, deny everything; whatever happens, you proclaim victory and never admit defeat,” Cohn says. He later adds, “To win, you must be prepared to do anything to anyone.”

Cohn's instructions are played over a montage of Trump working on (and showcasing) new buildings and attending lavish events with Ivana Trump, played by Maria Bakalova. Trump is also shown helping himself to a “cheese ball” at a meeting, much to Cohn's chagrin, and criticized by both Cohn and Ivana, who tells him “your face looks like an orange.”

Trump is also shown looking at a Reagan “Make America Great Again” badge and smiling.

After The Apprentice premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in May, The Hollywood Reporter's David Rooney wrote that the film is “a mirror image of the mentoring process, in which the host becomes the hungry young upstart, laying the foundations of a business empire built partly on smoke and mirrors, and operating under the direction of a master manipulator.”

Several months later, the project was acquired by Tom Ortenberg's Briarcliff Entertainment for a pre-election release on October 11. The distribution news came after several months of tension between the film and the Trump campaign, with the latter issuing legal threats against potential distributors.

“A young Donald Trump, eager to make a name for himself as the hungry second son of a wealthy family in 1970s New York, falls under the spell of Roy Cohn, the ruthless lawyer who will help create the Donald Trump we know today,” the film’s description reads. “Cohn sees in Trump the perfect protégé – someone with raw ambition, a hunger for success and a willingness to do whatever it takes to win.”

The Apprentice will play at select fall film festivals through October 11 and will benefit from a full awards campaign.




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