Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia | President Jokowi Gives Bonuses and Thanks to Paris 2024 Paralympic Athletes President Jokowi Gives Bonuses and Thanks to Paris 2024 Paralympic Athletes
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) presented awards and thanks to Indonesian Paralympic athletes competing in the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. The thanks ceremony was held at the Merdeka Palace lawn, Jakarta, Wednesday (11/09/2024).
In his speech, the President expressed his congratulations and pride for the efforts of the athletes of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games who have achieved brilliant achievements and given extraordinary pride to the Indonesian nation.
“I am very happy and proud because in this event, the red and white contingent managed to enter a new history, as previously stated by the Minister of Youth and Sports, managed to bring home 14 medals, one gold medal, eight silver medals and five bronze medals,” President Jokowi said in his speech.
As a token of appreciation for this proud achievement, the President announced that the government had prepared bonuses for athletes, coaches and assistant coaches, who also received rewards for their contributions.
The government has prepared a bonus of IDR 6 billion for winner gold medal, 2,750 million IDR for the silver medalists, and 1,650 million IDR for bronze medalists. And athletes who failed to secure a medal will also receive an appreciation of IDR 250 million.added the president.
The President stressed that this success was not an instant result, but rather the fruit of a long process, starting with the early identification of talents, long-term and sustainable training, as well as the hard work of coaches, support teams and the kindness of other parties.
I hope this achievement can arouse enthusiasm and optimism among Paralympic athletes and motivate athletes. paralympic be more persistent in practicehe stressed.
Here is the list of Paris 2024 Paralympic athletes who won medals:
Indonesian representative wins gold medal
- Hikmat Ramdani/Leani Ratri Oktila from Para Badminton – Mixed doubles SL3/SU5.
Eight Indonesian representatives won silver medals
- Muhammad Bintang Herlangga of the BC2 boccia men's singles event;
- Muhammad Syafa/Felix Ardi Yudha/Gischa Zayana of the BC1 Boccia sport mixed team;
- Saptoyogo Purnomo in the ParaAthletics T37 men's 100 meters;
- Karisma Evi Tiarani of the women's athletics 100 metres T63 event;
- Suryo Nugroho of Men's Singles Parabadminton SU5;
- Qonitah Ikhtiar Syakuroh from SL3 women’s singles badminton;
- Leani Ratri Oktila from SL4 women’s singles badminton;
- Khalimatus Sadiyah/Fredy Setiawan of Parabadminton mixed doubles SL3/SU5.
Five Indonesian representatives won bronze medals
- Muhamad Syafa from the BC1 men's singles boccia event;
- Gischa Zayana of the Boccia BC2 women’s singles;
- Fredy Setiawan of the SL4 badminton men’s singles;
- Dheva Anrimusthi of the SU5 badminton men’s singles; And
- Subhan/Rina Marlina of SH6 mixed doubles badminton.
Also present at the event were Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy, Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Dito Ariotedjo, Chef de Mission (CdM) of the Indonesian Paralympic contingent Reda Manthovani, President General (Ketum) PNJ Indonesia Senny Marbun.FID/DNS)
Sources 2/ https://setkab.go.id/presiden-jokowi-berikan-bonus-dan-apresiasi-kepada-atlet-paralimpiade-paris-2024/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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