Erdogan demands Russia return Crimea to Ukraine, calls for just and lasting peace

On Wednesday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, once described as “dear friend” Vladimir Putin reiterated his support for kyiv and called for the return of the Crimean peninsula occupied by Russia to Ukraine, in accordance with a report by Turkish state agency Anadolu.
“Our support for the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine is unwavering. The return of Crimea to Ukraine is a requirement of international law,” Erdogan said in a video message to the fourth summit of the leaders of the Crimean Platform.
In his speech, Erdogan also said that Turkey has always opposed Russia's annexation of Crimea, and he denounced the persecution of the peninsula's ethnic Tatar population that has been taking place since Russia took control of the peninsula in 2014.
“I believe that additional steps will continue to be taken to strengthen the rights of Crimean Tatar Turks in the coming period,” Erdogan said, adding that “[Crimean Tatar Turks should live] freely, safely and peacefully in their own homeland.
Concluding his speech, Erdogan outlined Ankara's broader vision for ending the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine: “Our sincere wish is that the war ends with a just and lasting peace based on the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.”
Russian forces entered the Crimean Peninsula in February 2014, and by the end of the following month Moscow had physically annexed the region, with President Vladimir Putin formally dividing it into two federal subjects of the Russian Federation.
Since then, the Crimean Tatars have continued to resist the Moscow regime, defending the territorial integrity of Ukraine and opposing the Russian occupation.
Turkey, a NATO member since 1952, has maintained friendly relations with Russia despite Putin's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. opposite Western sanctions against Moscow and the continuation of trade and energy deals — including the purchase of Russian natural gas and construction from the Akkuyu nuclear power plant.
Ankara has also supplied drones to kyiv and publicly condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Turkish defense company Baykar, maker of the famous Bayraktar drone models, has even started building a factory near Kyiv earlier this year.
Turkey also reportedly reported broke an agreement Ukraine signed a deal with Moscow in July 2023 after allowing five officers who defended the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol during Russia’s siege in spring 2022 to return to Ukraine from Turkish territory after being released by Russia in a prisoner swap. As part of the deal, Ukraine reclaimed 200 prisoners of war for Viktor Medvedchuk, a close Putin aide and Ukraine’s most prominent pro-Russian politician, who was arrested in April 2022 on high treason charges.
In addition, five senior Azovstal defense officers were exchanged for 55 undisclosed Russian prisoners of war. Following the exchange, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the commanders would remain in Turkey “until the end of the war.”
Sources 2/ https://theins.ru/en/news/274503 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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