Construction of Phase I of East-West MRT Line officially begins
Wednesday September 11, 2024
Journalist: Budhi Firmansyah Surapati
Translator: Rizky Mawardi
Construction of Phase 1 of the first stage of the MRT East-West Line officially began on Wednesday (11/09). The activity, attended by President Joko Widodo, took place at the integration point between the MRT North-South Line (HI-Ancol Marina Roundabout) and the MRT East-West Line (Cikarang-Balaraja), Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta.
President Joko Widodo said that MRT Phase 1 has served 120 million passengers since it first opened in March 2019. The MRT has improved public transportation in Jakarta.
“We are currently building HI Phase 2A in Kota. We want to expand its scope to Phase 1 of the East-West Line with the aim of making Jakarta a global city and metropolitan area through modern transportation,” Joko Widodo was quoted as saying in the Jakarta provincial government’s press release.
Meanwhile, Acting Jakarta Governor Heru Budi Hartono appreciated all levels of the Jakarta provincial government and the central government's role in supporting Phase 1 of the East-West MRT Line Stage 1.
He also appreciated the synergy with the Ambassador of Japan to the Republic of Indonesia, the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Japan, the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, the Ministry of Finance and PT MRT Jakarta.
“We hope that the ease of providing public transport infrastructure that supports Jakarta's transit-based development or transit-oriented development can be achieved through this synergy,” Heru said.
Heru added that the construction of Phase 1 of the first stage of the East-West MRT line will start from Medan Satria to Tomang for 24.5 kilometers. This line is equipped with 21 stations; elevated stations and underground stations.
PT MRT Jakarta Director Tuhiyat said that the East-West MRT Phase 1, Stage 1, which connects Cikarang-Balaraja, is expected to be operational in 2031.
His camp estimates that 284,000 passengers per day will use this train.
“Our current location is at the intersection of Jalan Thamrin and Jalan Kebon Sirih or between the East-West Line and the North-South Line. Phase 1 of the East-West MRT Line has 27 stations over 31km,” he said.
In addition, Phase 2A of the Bundaran HI-Kota project includes seven underground stations, the first being Thamrin Station and the second being Kota Station. The total length of Thamrin Station is 470 metres and its width is 20.3 metres.
The hall level where the project is being implemented, he explained, is at a depth of about nine meters with a total depth to the platform level in the lower area, about 16 meters from ground level.
“The depth of the East-West Line platform at this location is about 26 metres from ground level. This means that the East-West Line is deeper than the North-South Line tunnel,” he added.
The launch was attended by Indonesian Minister of Transport Budi Karya Sumadi, Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia Yasushi Masaki and Indonesian Ambassador to Japan Heri Ahmadi, as well as the ranks of the Jakarta provincial government.
The construction of the MRT is funded by a loan from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) through co-financing with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Ministry of Transport as the executing agency, and the Jakarta Provincial Government as the implementing agency and PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) as the sub-executing agency.
Meanwhile, the construction of 800 meters in Bekasi region is funded by a grant from the central government and its operation is entrusted to the Jakarta provincial government, through the public service obligation (PSO).
Sources 2/ https://www.beritajakarta.id/en/read/56430/mrt-east-west-line-phase-i-construction-officially-begins The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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