Modi continues to attack Congress when he goes abroad. Rahul Gandhi is now following his example
PYou are a leading Indian politician. You fought for two terms against a government that you consider immoral and a disgrace to the nation, and you are not ashamed to say so openly. And in all your speeches, you make sure that your opponents get their hands full.
Then you go abroad. You address assemblies of people who know India well. They know your background. They know what you have said in your country. So they ask you questions about your political rivals and what they have done to India.
How do you respond? What do you say in your speeches and interactions? Do you suddenly abandon all the positions you had adopted when you were on Indian soil? Do you change your tone? Do you sing a completely different song? Do you say, “I’m sorry, but I’m in a foreign country, so I won’t talk about Indian politics”? You could, I suppose, say all of these things. Or you could just be honest.
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I remind you of all this because, shortly after becoming Prime Minister in 2014, Narendra Modi went abroad and spoke about Indian politics. Of course, he had the choice to remain silent. Or to say nothing, or even to say, “I don’t want to say anything about my political opponents, because that would be tantamount to attacking Indians in a foreign country.”
As you may recall, Modi did none of these things. He went for the jugular on his Congress rivals.
Self-congratulation, attack on the opposition
In 2015, Prime Minister Modi said in Germany that he would clean up the mess left behind by his opponents in Congress. In Canada, he said India's image was that of a scams. But he was going to change things so that India was considered a qualified nation.
Not content with denigrating his political adversaries in Europe and North America, the Prime Minister has taken the road to the Middle East. OmanModi said India's image had suffered due to a long list of scams committed during the Congress government and he was working hard to change the style of misgovernance.
Like a rock star performing his greatest hits around the world, the prime minister has managed to sing the same songs, attacking his predecessors and political rivals, wherever he goes. SeoulHe said there was a time when people used to wonder what sin they had committed in their past lives that led them to be born in India.
In Shanghai, Modi told the Indian community: “Earlier you were ashamed of India, but today (i.e. since he became Prime Minister) you are proud of the country.” Canadahe said about the Manmohan Singh government He who makes garbage leaves after making garbage.(Those who created the filth did so and left.) The mission of the Congress government, he said, was to cheat India.
All these attacks on his political rivals were accompanied by a certain amount of self-congratulation. In his first appearance at Madison Square Garden in New York in 2014, just after his election, Modi told NRIs: “You may not have voted in 2014, but when the results came, you celebrated.”
He has yet to find a solution. Speaking in Copenhagen this year, he said his launch of Digital India had transformed India, which was previously one of the most backward nations in this regard. And despite criticism and skepticism from his opponents, he has succeeded.
And the speeches keep coming. They are filled with his greatest hits and the same rants against his political opponents. Modi may now be the only man in Indian history to have attacked his political rivals in more than 50 different countries. (Or more: he has made 79 trips as prime minister and visited 70 countries.)
Did Modi do something wrong? Should he have refrained from waging political battles abroad? Is the office of the Indian Prime Minister such that he must, when he travels, leave behind domestic political battles?
Maybe. Or maybe not. What is clear is that Modi does not believe he has done anything wrong. He has played in almost as many venues as Taylor Swift. And like her, Modi has played the same songs over and over again to enthusiastic crowds.
Frankly, I am beginning to think that he is probably right in what he says. Why should we expect the Indian Prime Minister to become a different person the moment he leaves India? If these are his views, and in the age of the Internet they are not a secret, why should he hesitate to express them to the world?
Many of the audiences who come to listen to him, especially at the receptions he hosts with the Indian community, are fans who want to hear him criticize the Congress. Why would he deny them that pleasure after a decade in power?
After all, even today, when their idols are in their 80s, people still go to see the Rolling Stones and expect them to play. (I can't get) satisfactionwhich I suppose reflects the sentiments the Prime Minister conveys to his fans. It's become an old song now, but it gets the crowd going.
All this leads us inexorably to Rahul Gandhi. The BJP’s position is that Gandhi does not deserve to be mentioned in the same vein as Narendra Modi. But there is no denying that, in this respect at least, Gandhi is following in Modi’s footsteps.
During his interactions in the US this week, he has been critical of the Modi government. Unlike the Prime Minister, he does not use terms such as “creators of dirt He also did not shy away from describing what is happening in India by portraying himself as a promoter of scams. He is not going about it half-heartedly either. He has chosen to side with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), saying that the movement seeks to divide communities and that, according to its thinking, some religions are inferior to others.
Some of his statements have been direct attacks on the BJP government, which has tried to create a climate of fear. Various agencies, media and tax departments have tried to spread fear. Some have been personal mockeries against the Prime Minister. I can tell you that the idea of a 142 cm torso of Prime Minister Modi, in direct communication with God, has disappeared.
Also read: I don't hate PM Modi, but I disagree with his views: Rahul Gandhi in the US
Parrot Congress
When Narendra Modi attacked the Congress in his speeches abroad, Congress leaders reacted angrily. Anand Sharma said, “It is his characteristic style, the prime minister continues to insult the history and achievements of India since independence.”
BJP leaders and spokespersons are now repeating more or less exactly what Sharma and others had said. Just as Gandhi followed Modi’s lead, BJP spokespersons are parroting what Congress leaders said. Except this time, the roles are reversed.
Rahul Gandhi's remarks on the RSS's attempts to divide communities and how Sikhs in India were being threatened in their bid to retain their religious identity were also sharply criticised by the BJP. Who is he to talk about Sikhs, they say, when the Congress participated in an anti-Sikh pogrom 40 years ago?
None of this seems likely to silence Rahul Gandhi, just as none of the Congress's criticism has changed the tone of the prime minister's rhetoric for more than a decade.
But at least one rule now seems firmly established: No matter where they speak in the world, Indian political leaders will say the same sort of things about each other that they say in India.
Is this such a bad thing? I don't know. In any case, neither Rahul nor Modi thinks it is so bad.
Vir Sanghvi is a print and television journalist and talk show host. He tweets @virsanghvi. His views are personal.
Sources 2/ https://theprint.in/opinion/modi-still-attacks-congress-when-he-goes-abroad-rahul-gandhi-is-now-following-his-lead/2262476/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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