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Donald Trump's camp falters after debate casts doubt on his re-election bid

Donald Trump's camp falters after debate casts doubt on his re-election bid


Donald Trump's campaign is reeling after his poor debate performance against Kamala Harris infuriated Republican allies who said he was unprepared, outplayed by the vice president and delivered erratic messages to voters.

The televised face-off in Philadelphia on Tuesday, watched by nearly 60 million Americans, according to preliminary Nielsen estimates, marked a new inflection point in the campaign that could hurt Trump, who is now struggling to regain his footing less than two months before the Nov. 5 presidential election.

“I think it was a missed opportunity to take her out of the game… She was losing momentum. I think it probably stabilized her,” a major Trump donor told the Financial Times.

While Republican strategists and lawmakers do not believe Trump's uneven performance has crippled his campaign, many have acknowledged that the former president has struggled and his reelection chances now appear more fragile.

The biggest frustration with his performance is that he fell for some nonsense that prevented him from getting the deal done, so it's definitely a missed opportunity, said a senior Republican strategist close to Trump.

Maybe he was overconfident. Maybe he didn’t prepare. Maybe he was just tired, said John Catsimatidis, the billionaire New York grocery magnate and Trump donor.

Catsimatidis also acknowledged that the vice president did much better than people expected in the debate. She kept quiet for the last three months. Everyone thought she was not capable of debating.

Harris put Trump on the defensive for much of the 90-minute debate Tuesday night, beginning with an unexpected handshake between the two leaders who had never met before she attacked him on issues ranging from abortion to his reputation with foreign leaders.

The former president appeared shaken several times, including when Harris questioned the size of the crowds at his campaign rallies. Trump responded by lashing out at migrants, echoing an online conspiracy theory that some steal people's pets and eat them.

The debate showed Trump at his worst, said Frank Luntz, the veteran pollster who has worked for many Republicans over the years.

He was given so many opportunities… every time inflation could have been increased, he chose to divert to a different problem, Luntz said. [Harris] Make him react? Absolutely. Should he have been upset? Not at all. But that's what he is.

Luntz said Trump has no choice but to seek another televised showdown proposed by the Harris campaign, though the Republican nominee has not said whether he will participate. He needs to recover. He needs to give people a reason not to view this as his defining moment.

On Wednesday morning, Trump and Harris appeared together at a ceremony commemorating the September 11, 2001, attacks in New York, and shook hands again.

But minutes earlier, Trump had called into a Fox News morning show, insisting he had done a good job and that the debate had been rigged against him, accusing ABC News' debate moderators of being dishonest and saying their broadcast license should be revoked.

A CNN poll conducted by SSRS immediately after the debate found that 63% of the 605 people who tuned in thought Harris won, compared to 37% for Trump. Before the debate, a panel of voters was evenly split, 50-50, on which candidate would do better.

A YouGov poll of more than 3,300 people conducted Wednesday found that 43% thought Harris had presented a clearer plan, 32% thought Trump had, and 24% were unsure.

Betting markets also moved in Harris’ favor during the debate. While Harris and Trump entered Tuesday night with similar odds, traders predicting the winner of the presidential election gave the vice president a seven-point advantage over the former president by the end of the night.

Even some of Trump's top allies in Congress admitted that Harris scored points against the former president.

Robert F Kennedy Jr, a former third-party challenger who recently endorsed Trump, told Fox News that Harris clearly won the debate in terms of her delivery, elegance, organization and preparation.

Kamala Harris? She knows how to annoy people, said Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Florida, in the discussion room after the debate.

[She] She answered the question of whether she could get on stage and look good, OK. But where was the politics, where was the leadership? She dodged and deflected the question of her own record, he added.

According to the FT, a national poll, Harris had a slight lead of 2.1 percentage points over Trump on Tuesday before the debate, with close races in all the key battleground states.

The Republican strategist said that despite their concerns, Trump's poor performance shouldn't drastically change things. She was more than passable, but not a knockout, the strategist said of Harris.

It is not yet clear whether Trump will agree to a second presidential debate. Harris campaign manager Jen O'Malley Dillon indicated Tuesday night that the vice president would be open to participating in another debate next month.

But Trump expressed reservations Wednesday to Fox News, which offered three possible debate dates in October.

“I don't know if I want to do another debate,” Trump said. “I'd be less inclined to because we had a great night.”




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