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Imran Khan urges party members to prepare for nationwide street protests – The Week

Imran Khan urges party members to prepare for nationwide street protests – The Week
Imran Khan urges party members to prepare for nationwide street protests – The Week


Islamabad, Sep 12 (PTI) Jailed former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan on Thursday urged his party members to brace themselves for a nationwide street movement, saying the fight is necessary to safeguard the country's freedom. Khan was speaking to reporters at Adiala Jail in Rawalpindi on the occasion of the hearing of a case against him, The Express Tribune reported. “Our movement is a jihad for democracy. I call upon the entire nation to take to the streets to save our freedom,” the newspaper quoted him as saying. Khan accused special judge Humayun Dilawar of being behind his imprisonment and that of his wife Bushra Bibis. “Humayun Dilawar was given land worth crores in exchange for his decisions against us,” he said, adding that the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Anti-Corruption Department has all the evidence against the judge and his family. Dilawar had sentenced Khan to three years in prison on August 5, 2023. Khan also criticised Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi, alleging that the minister had been rewarded with key positions, including interior minister and PCB chairman, for his role in the government’s crackdown on the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party. “Naqvi committed the worst atrocities against us, including the brutal killing of Zille Shah (a PTI worker) by the police. “His body was dumped on the road and an FIR was lodged against me,” Khan said. Khan also condemned Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa, accusing him of protecting those responsible for the PTI oppression. “Justice Isa stripped us of our election symbol and refused to hear our petitions on human rights violations.” The former prime minister expressed concerns over electoral fraud, saying, “The former Rawalpindi commissioner held the chief justice and the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) responsible for the fraud, but Chief Justice Isa would be granted an extension.” Drawing parallels with historical events, Khan compared the current political situation to that of the era of former military ruler General Yahya Khan, accusing the powers that be of prioritising personal interests over the nation. “Nawaz Sharif was held in check by fear, otherwise he would have fled long ago. “The entire nation must rise up for a street movement to preserve our freedom,” Khan urged, adding that the rule of law is essential to attract investment to Pakistan. He concluded by announcing that the PTI's street protest plan would be revealed soon while highlighting the ongoing injustices against his party workers. “They entered assemblies and arrested parliamentarians. This has never happened before and my wife's imprisonment is also illegal,” he said, referring to the arrest of the PTI lawmakers on Tuesday. Khan has been in jail since August 5 last year and regularly interacts with the media during his court appearances at Adiala Jail.




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