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Imran Khan backs Gandapur call for KP-Kabul talks, warns of terror threat

Imran Khan backs Gandapur call for KP-Kabul talks, warns of terror threat



PTI founder Imran Khan (L), KP Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur (C), Defence Minister Khawaja Asif (R). AFP/Facebook/AliAminKhanGandapur/PID/FilePTI founder stresses that terrorism cannot be eliminated without dialogue. He says “forget the foreign ministry” as KP is the worst affected by this menace. He warns that if terrorism is not controlled, the economy will come to a standstill.

Jailed Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan on Friday backed Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur's proposal for direct talks with Afghanistan to address terrorism concerns and achieve lasting peace in the restive border regions.

Ali Amin is absolutely right, Imran Khan said, supporting Gandapur's stand while talking to journalists at Adiala Jail. They should plead with him to go and talk to Afghanistan for God's sake, the former prime minister said, adding that terrorism cannot be eliminated without dialogue.

Khan expressed support for his staunch supporter a day after Defence Minister Khawaja Asif's scathing attack on Gandapur for suggesting bypassing the Centre and ministries to hold talks with Kabul on a provincial basis.

Calling it a direct attack on the federation, Asif, speaking in the National Assembly on Thursday, said the provincial chief executive should have avoided such a statement.

Asked about the possibility of a province engaging directly with another country when a federal government and foreign ministry were already in place, Imran Khan said: “Forget the foreign ministry, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has been worst hit by terrorism.

Turning his guns towards the chairman of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), he said: Bilawal [Bhutto]”When he was foreign minister, he didn't even visit Afghanistan.”

Expressing deep concern over the heavy toll terrorism has taken on the province, Khan noted, “Many police personnel of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have embraced martyrdom.” [fighting terror].

Khan also highlighted the growing unrest among law enforcement agencies, saying officers across the country were “rebelling” and staging protests due to the dire situation. “We have been fighting terrorism for the last 24 years,” he said, stressing the urgency of making it the country’s top priority. “If terrorism is not controlled, the economy will come to a standstill.”

He stressed the importance of improving relations with Afghanistan to prevent the country from remaining mired in terrorism, saying that “the least terrorism happened during the PTI rule.”

Khan urged the government to lend a helping hand to anyone trying to eradicate the menace of terrorism.

“If someone is trying to stop terrorism, he must cooperate with it,” he said, rejecting the idea that Gandapur's intentions were anti-state. “Ali Amin is speaking for the country, not against it.”

He reiterated the heavy losses suffered by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, stressing that “one thousand policemen have already been martyred” in the province.

Asked about the federal government's efforts, he remarked: “The federation itself admits that there is cross-border terrorism, so what has it done so far?”

Clarifying Gandapur's position, the PTI founder pointed out, “Ali Amin talked about leaving but did not say he would leave immediately, he did not even set a time.” Khan concluded his speech by saying, “What did Ali Amin say wrong?”

Speaking at a Peshawar Bar Association event on Wednesday, Gandapur announced sending a delegation of the provincial government to Afghanistan to resolve bilateral issues without waiting for the federal government's approval as his province is bleeding due to a surge in terrorist attacks.

Islamabad has once again called on the Afghan interim government to prevent its territory from being used by the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) group and other militant organisations to carry out attacks against Pakistan.

Citing the increase in terrorist incidents, the federal cabinet in June this year approved Operation Azm-e-Istehkam, a nationwide counter-terrorism campaign reinvigorated following the recommendations of the Central Summit Committee under the National Action Plan to Eradicate Terrorism.

In addition, the government has also introduced a major policy change as part of a decision to strictly enforce international laws on its borders with Afghanistan earlier this year, in order to restrict the influx of militants and smuggled goods into the country.

Afghanistan does not recognise the Durand Line, the border between the two countries, arguing that it was created by the British to divide ethnic Pashtuns.

The 2,640 km border was established in 1893 through an agreement between British-ruled India and Abdur Rahman Khan, then ruler of Afghanistan.

The two countries share 18 crossing points, with Torkham and Chaman being the most frequently used for trade and movement of people. These crossing points also connect Balochistan with Kandahar province in southern Afghanistan.

In 2017, Pakistan began fencing the border with Afghanistan to contain cross-border movements of terrorists, a move condemned by Kabul.




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