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Trump threatens to block wildfire funding as he criticizes California Gov. Gavin Newsom

Trump threatens to block wildfire funding as he criticizes California Gov. Gavin Newsom
Trump threatens to block wildfire funding as he criticizes California Gov. Gavin Newsom


While criticizing Gov. Gavin Newsom, former President Donald Trump threatened to withhold federal aid to California to fight wildfires if he wins re-election in November.

Trump made the comments during a news conference at his Rancho Palos Verdes golf course as three wildfires continued to burn more than 100,000 acres in Southern California.

“If he doesn’t sign those papers, we’re not going to give him the money to put out all his fires,” Trump said. “And if we don’t give him the money to put out his fires, he’s in trouble. He’s a terrible governor.”

The former president has repeatedly called the governor “Newscum” and asked him to provide more water to Central Valley farmers, apparently referring to a years-old conflict between the two.

Newsom responded on X shortly after the comments with Trump's slogan and a warning to voters.

“[Trump] “He just admitted he would withhold emergency disaster funds to settle political vendettas,” he wrote. “Today it’s California wildfires. Tomorrow it could be hurricane funds in North Carolina or flood relief in Pennsylvania.”

In 2019, the Trump administration enacted a series of rules aimed at providing more water to California farmers, three years after the state emerged from one of its driest periods. A few months later, state officials filed a lawsuit against the White House, arguing that the new rules would drive endangered fish, such as the Delta smelt, to extinction.

“Farmers in the North will be able to farm 100 percent of the land, not 1 percent of it,” Trump said. “Water will come all the way to Los Angeles, and there will be more water than ever before. The smelt won’t survive anyway.”

Already in the grip of a disastrous fire season, California has seen 6,111 wildfires burning nearly 1 million acres, nearly four times the area burned in 2023. When Trump's comments were made, thousands of firefighters were scattered across California, battling nearly 20 fires, according to Cal Fire's active incidents website.

“Nevertheless, former President Trump said he would gamble with their lives and homes if he didn’t get what he wanted,” Brian K. Rice, president of the California Professional Firefighters, said in a statement. “It’s shocking that we have a presidential candidate who threatens our public safety and doesn’t even care about the consequences for firefighters and the public.”

After the press conference, Trump flew north to a fundraiser in the San Francisco Bay Area.

More information on CBS News

Matthew Rodriguez




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