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My father is running out of lives: Family and leaders shocked by Trump shooting | Donald Trump

My father is running out of lives: Family and leaders shocked by Trump shooting | Donald Trump
My father is running out of lives: Family and leaders shocked by Trump shooting | Donald Trump


Family members and politicians from both ends of the political spectrum expressed shock as details emerged of an apparent assassination attempt on Donald Trump at his Florida golf course.

Secret Service agents opened fire during the incident after spotting a man hiding in bushes with an AK-47-style rifle a few hundred yards from Trump as he played golf. The agents then opened fire, prompting the man to flee. A suspect was later arrested and a gun, a scope and a GoPro camera were recovered.

Two months ago, Donald Trump was slightly injured when a gunman opened fire on him at a rally in Pennsylvania. But amid widespread fears of civil unrest in this fraught US election, the reaction from all political parties to a possible second attack has been immediate.

The White House said Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been briefed on the incident. They are relieved to know he is safe and well. They will be regularly briefed by their teams, a statement said.

The vice president said in her own statement on X: “I have been made aware of reports of gunshots fired near former President Trump and his Florida property, and I am pleased that he is safe. Violence has no place in America.”

Trump's family also reacted.

“My father is running out of lives here,” his son Eric Trump told Sean Hannity on Fox News. “How many more guns are they going to get within assassination range of my father?”

In an email to supporters, Trump said: “There have been shots fired in my neighborhood, but before the rumors start getting out of hand, I first wanted you to hear this: I AM SAFE AND HEALTHY!”

Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER surrender! the former president added.

In a message posted on X, South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of Trump's top congressional allies, said he spoke with the former president after the incident and that Trump was in good spirits and one of the strongest people he had ever known.

The Martin County Sheriff's Office said a suspect believed to be connected to a shooting at Trump International in Palm Beach County was apprehended after fleeing the scene.

President Trump is safe after gunfire was reported nearby, Steven Cheung, the Trump campaign's communications director, said in a statement. Cheung did not provide further details.

Trump's running mate, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, said in a statement: “I am pleased that President Trump is safe and well. I spoke to him before the news broke and he was surprisingly in good spirits. We don't know much yet, but I will hug my children tight tonight and say a prayer of gratitude.”

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Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said the suspect appeared calm when he was arrested by police after fleeing the scene. He was confronted by the Secret Service after he was spotted with a rifle and was fired upon, Bradshaw said.

The Secret Service, in conjunction with the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, is investigating a protective incident involving former President Donald Trump that occurred shortly before 2 p.m. The former president is safe. @pbso will have more details soon, said a post on X by Secret Service communications chief Anthony Guglielmi.

The latest incident comes a day more than two months after Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania, at a political rally. A rally-goer was shot and police returned fire, killing the alleged attacker. No clear political motive has been identified for the attack. Trump was shot in the ear, and an image of the bloodied former president raising his fist in the air after the shooting was widely shared by his supporters.

An internal Secret Service investigation has confirmed that multiple major communications failures preceded the July 13 assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania.

On Saturday, the Washington Post, citing unnamed officials, reported that the former president's security team had failed to order local police to secure the roof of the building used by the shooter.




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