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Government officials attack Imran over 'complimentary' article in Israeli newspaper – Pakistan

Government officials attack Imran over 'complimentary' article in Israeli newspaper – Pakistan
Government officials attack Imran over 'complimentary' article in Israeli newspaper – Pakistan


LAHORE: Members of the ruling coalition on Sunday attacked the PTI founder for his alleged links with the Zionist lobby, after an article published by an Israeli media outlet hinted at former prime minister Imran Khan's potential role in normalising ties with Israel.

The week-long article provides an overview of relations between the Muslim world and Tel Aviv in light of the anniversary of the Abraham Accords.

The article notes that Imran Khan, despite his strong rhetoric against Israeli policies, has suggested that Pakistan needs to forge its own path in foreign policy.

He said the PTI founder's influence could provide opportunities to reassess ties and dwelt on the economic and other benefits that Pakistan could enjoy after a possible normalisation of relations.

Lawyer Saif says newspapers' admiration for former prime minister does not change their stance on Israel

On Sunday, Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal claimed that the article exposed the mastermind of the Imran Khan project and the efforts of the Zionist lobby to reimpose the PTI founder in Pakistan.

Speaking to reporters in Narowal, he said the Jerusalem Post article left no doubt about the support of the PTI founder, who has good relations with his ex-wife, Jemimas' brother Zac Goldsmith, a representative of the Israel lobby.

This is the third article published in the Israeli media in support of the founder of the PTI. According to the minister, only the founder of the PTI can recognize Israel.

In a joke addressed to JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman, the minister said they had heard from the Maulana that Mr Khan was an agent of the Jewish lobby.

Meanwhile, PPP Senator Sherry Rehman said that Mr Khan's relationship with the Israeli lobby was not new and the PTI should explain why Israel was supporting him.

In a statement, the PPP senator referred to the Jerusalem Post article which she said claimed that Mr Khan wanted normal relations with Tel Aviv and that the PTI should explain Israeli support for the party and why the country believed the PTI founder could change public opinion and foreign policy towards Israel.

Punjab Ministers Marriyum Aurangzeb and Azam Bukhari also criticised the pro-Imran articles in Israeli newspapers. Minister Aurangzeb said the Jerusalem Post had exposed Mr Khan's duplicity.

The remarks [in the Israeli paper] The articles are revealing as they expose Imran Khan's contradictory statements and lies. The newspaper describes Imran as an ally and claims that the PTI founder wants normal relations with Israel.

Punjab's information minister, Ms Bukhari, claimed that Mr Khan was sponsored by Israel.

The Jerusalem Post exposed Mr. Khan's true face by exposing his efforts to establish ties with Israel and even sending a delegation to do so, the minister said.

Earlier this month, The Times of Israel published an article claiming that the PTI founder had shown a potential willingness to consider normalizing relations between Pakistan and Israel.

Rumors for entertainment

Responding to the allegations against the party founder, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government spokesperson Barrister Mohammad Ali Saif said the PML-N was spreading rumours against the former prime minister to divert attention from his party's rally in Lahore on Saturday.

The founders [Imran Khan]The Palestinian president's position on Israel has been clear since day one, lawyer Saif said in a statement on Sunday. He added that the PTI founder had also spoken about the Palestinians' right to self-determination in all national and international forums.

The Jewish newspapers' admiration for Imran Khan does not change Khan's position on Israel, Saif said in the statement.

Umer Farooq from Peshawar also contributed to this report.

Published in Dawn, September 23, 2024




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