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PM Modi leaves for India from New York: 5-point summary of a successful and substantial three-day visit to the US


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi left New York for New Delhi after concluding his three-day visit to the United States on Monday evening (US time). Modi attended the Quad leaders' meeting, a major event for the Indian community, and addressed the “Future Summit” at the United Nations General Assembly during his trip.

Modi also held bilateral meetings with his Japanese and Australian counterparts on the sidelines of the Quad summit and exchanged views to further deepen bilateral cooperation for mutual benefits and “peace, stability and prosperity” of the Indo-Pacific region.

“Prime Minister @narendramodi is leaving for New Delhi after concluding a successful and substantive visit to the US,” the Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson said in a message posted on X.

Quad Leaders Summit

Modi arrived in the US on Friday and attended the Quad leaders' meeting in Wilmington, Delaware on the first day. Hosted by President Joe Biden, the Quad leaders' summit was held in his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware. It was attended by Prime Minister Modi, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

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Biden also hosted Modi for a bilateral meeting at his residence. Biden hailed India’s progress in completing the purchase of 31 MQ-9B long-endurance armed drones from US defense giant General Atomics, while he and Prime Minister Modi pledged to strengthen reciprocal supplies of military hardware between the two sides during the bilateral meeting.

A very special aspect of the bilateral meeting was the return of 297 antiques to India, some of which were displayed at Biden's residence during the meeting.

Modi also held bilateral meetings with his counterparts from Australia and Japan on the sidelines of the summit.

India's approach to cooperation

At the Quad Leaders' Summit and other associated events, Prime Minister Modi highlighted India's approach to cooperation, outreach and engagement for growth with various partners in the Indo-Pacific region.

At the summit, leaders also announced the Quad Cancer Moonshot, a groundbreaking partnership aimed at saving lives in the Indo-Pacific region.

India has pledged $7.5 million to fight cervical cancer in the Indo-Pacific region.

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The Quad countries also announced a new Indo-Pacific Maritime Regional Training Initiative (MAITRI), to enable their partners in the region to maximize the tools provided by the Indo-Pacific Maritime Domain Awareness (IPMDA) and other Quad partner initiatives to monitor and secure their waters, enforce their laws, and deter illicit behavior.

India, a land of opportunities

After concluding the Quad leaders' meeting in Wilmington, Modi left for New York on Saturday for the second day to attend an Indian community event on Long Island and later address a key conclave at the United Nations on the third day.

Modi addressed a gathering of Indian-Americans at the Nassau Coliseum in New York. Calling India the “land of opportunities”, Prime Minister Modi said he has set very ambitious goals for the country in his third term.

At the event, he also announced that India would open two new consulates in Boston and Los Angeles, catering to the long-standing demand of the growing Indian-American community in these two major US cities.

Over 13,000 Indian-Americans attended the event. Hailing the role of Indian-Americans in strengthening India-US relations, Modi called them brand ambassadors of India.

India's growth prospects

Later, Modi participated in a fruitful roundtable discussion with CEOs of leading US technology companies, where he highlighted India's growth prospects and discussed initiatives to foster bilateral collaborations in various sectors.

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The meeting was held at the Lotte New York Palace hotel on Sunday, as part of the second leg of Modi's three-day visit to the US. It was attended by CEOs of leading US-based companies working on cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing and semiconductors.

Collective strength is not present on the battlefield

Modi urged CEOs of major US companies to take advantage of India's growth as the country strives to become the world's third largest economy in its third term.

On the third day, Prime Minister Modi addressed the UN Future Summit and said that the success of humanity lies in our collective strength, not on the battlefield.

Addressing world leaders from the iconic podium in the United Nations General Assembly Hall, Modi said he was bringing the voice of 1.4 billion Indians, or one-sixth of humanity, to the UN.

Humanity's success lies in our collective strength, not on the battlefield.

At the conclave, Modi assured the international community that India would continue to work in thought, word and deed to protect the rights of all humanity and for global prosperity.

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PM Modi leaves New York for India: 5-point summary of a successful and substantial three-day visit to the US




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