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Key takeaways from Keir Starmer's speech to Labour Party conference

Key takeaways from Keir Starmer's speech to Labour Party conference
Key takeaways from Keir Starmer's speech to Labour Party conference


British Prime Minister Keir Starmer delivers his keynote speech at the annual Labour Party conference in LiverpoolReuters

Sir Keir Starmer used his first speech to the Labour Party conference as prime minister to set out his ideas for a “national renewal”.

The prime minister's 54-minute speech – which was briefly interrupted once by a heckler – hailed the party's election victory and set out ideas for government.

Here are some key points to take away from his speech.

Pylons and prisons

Sir Keir stressed that compromise was necessary, saying there were “no easy answers” to the problems – but he used his speech to try to present the way forward as a “shared struggle”.

“It will be difficult in the short term, but in the long term it is the right thing to do for our country,” he said.

He said there was “light at the end of the tunnel” but there was still a tunnel to go through first.

He added that politicians had to be honest with the country: “If we want justice, some communities have to live next to new prisons… If we want cheaper electricity, we need new overhead pylons, otherwise the burden on taxpayers is too great.”

Strikingly, Sir Keir gave a nod to former chancellor George Osborne's austerity-era phrase, telling the audience: “To coin a phrase, 'we're all in this together'.”

We are just getting started, says Prime Minister

One of the loudest cheers came when Sir Keir described the work Labour had done since coming to power.

He told the conference audience that the work of change had already begun – and listed what he believed the government had achieved.

“Planning has been reformed. Doctors are back on the ground… the ban on landing on land has been lifted.”

Last on the list: “The Rail Services Bill – bringing our railways back into public ownership.”

“We are only just beginning,” he said, stressing that the changes brought about by Labour “must mean nothing less than national renewal.”

Winter fuel payment reduction discussed

Sir Keir addressed the biggest controversy of his tenure by telling members he “understands” why Reduce winter heating costs for most retirees worries people.

But Labour must plug a “black hole in our public finances” left by the Conservatives to stabilise the economy, he said.

“If this path was popular or easy, we would have taken it already,” Sir Keir said.

Homes for heroes

Sir Keir announced a new policy to give homeless veterans better access to housing waiting lists, pledging to reward those who “risk their lives to protect us all”.

The number of veterans sleeping rough is a “hidden injustice”, Sir Keir said.

The policy will enable veterans, young people leaving care and victims of domestic abuse to be able to apply for social housing in any local authority in the UK for life.

Current rules requiring housing applicants to prove a local connection to the area unfairly disadvantage these groups and will be scrapped, Labour says.

“Homes will be there for heroes,” Sir Keir said.

Blowing your own flute

Sir Keir revealed the joy he felt playing the flute at school as he spoke about Labour's aim to create opportunities for future generations through sport and the arts.

Playing the flute brought me great joy as a child and opened up many opportunities, including his first trip abroad with the Croydon Youth Philharmonic Orchestra.

His experience as a flautist left a lasting impression on him, he said.

“Even now, I turn to Beethoven or Brahms in times when, how can I say, the reviews are not so good.

“I have some Shostakovich in preparation for tomorrow,” he jokes.




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