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How voters think Harris and Trump's policies will affect women and men, ethnic groups, rich and poor

How voters think Harris and Trump's policies will affect women and men, ethnic groups, rich and poor
How voters think Harris and Trump's policies will affect women and men, ethnic groups, rich and poor


Big differences in views on how women and men would behave under a Harris or Trump administration

The Pew Research Center conducted this study to understand Americans' views on how the outcome of the 2024 presidential election would affect different groups in society.

For this analysis, we surveyed 9,720 adults, including 8,044 registered voters, from August 26 to September 2, 2024. All respondents to this survey are members of the Centers American Trends Panel (ATP), a group of people recruited through national random sampling of residential addresses who have agreed to complete surveys on a regular basis. This type of recruitment gives nearly all American adults a chance to be selected. Surveys were conducted either online or by telephone with a live interviewer. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education, and other factors. Learn more about the ATP methodology.

Here are the questions used for this report, the summary and the survey methodology.

Voters have different expectations about how much better or worse things will be for different groups in society if Vice President Kamala Harris or former President Donald Trump takes the White House next year.

They are more likely to say that Harris' policies would improve conditions for women, union members, blacks, Hispanics and the poor than they are to say that about Trump's policies.

By comparison, voters are more likely to predict that Trump’s policies would make the wealthy, white, men and military veterans better off. One of Harris’ biggest advantages is how voters think women would fare in each potential administration:

49% of registered voters believe Harris’ policies would improve the situation for women, while 27% believe her policies would make things worse. Voters have the opposite view of Trump’s policies: 30% believe his policies would improve the situation for women, while 46% believe they would make things worse. For both candidates, about a quarter of voters (23% each) believe things would not change much for women in either case.

The Pew Research Center survey, conducted Aug. 26-Sept. 2 among 9,720 members of the Centers American Trends Panel, including 8,044 registered voters, found even wider differences in opinions about which candidate would improve the situation of the wealthy, with more saying that this group would benefit from a Trump administration than a Harris administration.

67% of voters believe Trump’s policies would make the wealthy better off. Far fewer (19%) say the same about Harris’ policies. Only 5% of voters believe Trump’s policies would make wealthy Americans worse off, while 28% believe his policies would not make much difference to them. Nearly half of voters (46%) believe Harris would not make much difference to the wealthy, while about a third (34%) believe her policies would make this group worse off. How Harris and Trump supporters believe their policies will affect groups

Harris and Trump supporters tend to say that their candidates’ policies would make most groups better off and that the other candidates’ policies would make most groups worse off. Yet there are differences in the extent to which supporters believe the candidates’ policies would make different groups better off or worse off.

Impacts of policies on men and women

Among registered voters, an overwhelming majority of Harris supporters say her policies would improve the situation for women (83%) and that Trump's would make the situation worse (86%).

Narrower majorities of Trump supporters say he would improve the situation for women and Harris would make it worse: 61% of Trump supporters say Trump's policies would improve the situation for women, and 53% say Harris would have a negative impact on women.


Six in ten Harris supporters say her policies would not make much difference for men, while just over a third (36%) say they would make things better.

Harris supporters are roughly evenly split on the impact Trump's policies would have on men: 30% say they would make things worse and 28% say they would make things better, while 41% say they would not have much effect one way or the other.

In contrast, 63% of Trump supporters say he would make things better for men, and 69% say Harris would make things worse for men.

Predictions of how candidates' policies will affect racial and ethnic groups Impact of Trump's policies

Six in ten or more Trump supporters say Trump's policies would improve conditions for blacks (65%), whites (64%), Hispanics (63%) and Asians (60%).

Harris supporters are slightly more likely to say Trump’s policies would help (35%) rather than hurt (23%) whites. Still, clear majorities of Harris supporters expect Trump’s policies to have negative effects on Hispanics (81%), blacks (78%) and Asians (65%).

Impact of Harris' policies

Majorities of Harris supporters say she would make things better for blacks (66%) and Hispanics (62%), and about half (51%) say she would make things better for Asians. About half of Trump supporters say Harris would make each of those groups worse off.

And about six in ten voters who favor Harris (59%) say she would not change much for white people, while 36% say she would make things better. Seven in ten voters who favor Trump say Harris would make things worse for white people.

How the Trump and Harris Administrations Would Affect the Rich and the Poor The Rich

Harris supporters overwhelmingly (86%) believe Trump’s policies would make the wealthy better off. Trump supporters are split: About half believe his policies would make the wealthy better off (49%), and a similar share (47%) believe they would make little difference one way or the other.

At the same time, 62% of Harris supporters say her policies would do little to change wealthy Americans, while 22% say they would make that group worse off and 15% say they would make it better.

Nearly half of Trump supporters (48%) say Harris' policies would make the wealthy worse off, 28% say they would have little effect and 23% say they would make things better.

The poor

Supporters’ expectations about the impact of each candidate’s policies on the poor are more consistent with trends among other groups. About three-quarters of Harris supporters (76%) say Harris’ policies would improve the situation of the poor, and a nearly identical share of Trump supporters (75%) say Trump’s policies would do so.

About eight in ten Harris supporters (83%) say Trump's policies would make poor people worse off, and nearly two-thirds of Trump supporters (65%) say Harris' policies would negatively impact poor people.

How the policies would affect union members

Majorities of each candidate's supporters say their candidate would improve conditions for union members, although Harris supporters are 9 percentage points more likely to say this than Trump supporters (63% vs. 54%).

About three-quarters of Harris supporters (74%) say Trump's policies would make union members worse off, while 52% of Trump supporters say Harris' policies would make things worse.

How the policies would affect veterans

More than eight in ten Trump supporters (83%) say Trump’s policies would improve conditions for military veterans. A narrower majority of Harris supporters (58%) say Harris’ policies would improve conditions for veterans.

Nearly seven in ten (71%) Trump supporters believe veterans would be worse off under a Harris administration. Nearly six in ten (58%) Harris supporters believe Trump’s policies would make veterans worse off.




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