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China: Dictator Xi strikes again: Prominent economist Zhu Hengpeng disappears after criticizing China's president and sluggish economy.

China: Dictator Xi strikes again: Prominent economist Zhu Hengpeng disappears after criticizing China's president and sluggish economy.
China: Dictator Xi strikes again: Prominent economist Zhu Hengpeng disappears after criticizing China's president and sluggish economy.


Another member of China's elite has disappeared after criticizing Xi Jinping. The Wall Street Journal reports that Zhu Hengpeng disappeared after criticizing Xi Jinping.

Zhu Jinping reportedly questioned China's economy and Xi Jinping's leadership in a secret WeChat group. Zhu Jinping's last known public appearance was in late April, the site said.

A renowned economist has joined the long list of members of China's elite who have disappeared from public life after criticizing President Xi Jinping. Zhu Hengpeng was deputy director of the Institute of Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) for more than a decade.
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China’s cabinet receives direct reports from the state-run think tank CASS. Chen Daoyin, a former associate professor at Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, describes it as a body tasked with formulating party ideology to support the leadership. The Journal says the 55-year-old quickly disappeared after commenting on China’s slowing economy and questioning Xi’s leadership in a closed WeChat group.According to sources familiar with the matter, Zhu was arrested, his posts were deleted and he is under investigation after his remarks. Zhu's name was removed from the list of employees of a think tank linked to Beijing's Tsinghua University.
Zhu Hongjun’s abduction coincides with Xi Jinping’s increasing crackdown on critics of his administration and leaders. Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma notably disappeared from sight in late 2020 after speaking out against Chinese regulators.
Last year, Chinese state media reported that Defense Minister Gen. Li Shangfu had been dismissed from his post without giving a reason or naming a successor. He had been under investigation for corruption and had virtually disappeared since his last public appearance in late August 2023.
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According to a BBC investigation in February, many members of China’s elite are members of the Communist Party and are increasingly likely to be implicated in Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign. Individuals can disappear under Xi Jinping’s Anti-Corruption Commission. While their relatives should be informed of their loved ones’ whereabouts while they are in detention, this is not always the case.


What happened to Zhu Hengpeng?
Zhu Hengpeng, a renowned economist, disappeared after criticizing Xi Jinping and the Chinese economy in a private WeChat group. He was reportedly arrested after making the remarks.

Is elite disappearance common in China?
Yes, this has happened before. Other high-profile figures, such as Jack Ma, have disappeared after criticizing Xi Jinping or the Chinese government. Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign is infamous for making his critics disappear.

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