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Gibran, Kaesang and Bobby appear as key characters

Gibran, Kaesang and Bobby appear as key characters
Gibran, Kaesang and Bobby appear as key characters


By: Waliyono, S.Sos., MIKom

KLIKSUMUT.COM – With President Joko Widodo's term ending in October 2024, many parties predict that the political influence of his extended family will remain strong in the next government. The three main personalities in the spotlight are Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Kaesang Pangarep and Bobby Nasution. All three are seen as having great potential to play an important role in Indonesia's political landscape, especially if Prabowo Subianto officially assumes the post of president. How will this political map be formed?

Gibran Rakabuming Raka: from mayor of Solo to vice-president?

Gibran Rakabuming, President Jokowi's eldest son, has emerged as an influential figure since becoming mayor of Solo. His increasingly popular work has led to his name being mentioned as a potential vice-presidential candidate to accompany Prabowo Subianto for the 2024-2029 period.

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The political proximity between Gibran and Prabowo opens great opportunities for the emergence of a new coalition. If this scenario comes true, it will not only attract the attention of the younger generation, but also strengthen the support of previously pro-Jokowi political camps. Will Gibran bring a new style of leadership to Prabowo's government? If so, Jokowi's political influence will likely continue through his eldest son.

Kaesang Pangarep: Building a political base through parties

In contrast, Kaesang Pangarep, Jokowi's youngest son, took a surprising step by entering the political world as general chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI). Although he has just entered politics, Kaesang has demonstrated vision and progressive moves that could shake up the political map of the country.

Kaesang's decision highlights that the Jokowi family is not only dependent on government positions, but also builds its political power through parties. If Prabowo is elected, will Kaesang choose to be a strategic political partner or take on a critical role in the opposition? Kaesang's future in the political world is clearly worth looking forward to.

Bobby Nasution: Reaching the national political stage through the North Sumatra gubernatorial elections

Bobby Nasution, President Jokowi's son-in-law, is nonetheless showing his political strength. After successfully leading Medan as mayor, Bobby is now preparing to run as a candidate for governor of North Sumatra in the 2024 elections. Bobby's achievements in Medan are important capital to move forward.

If Bobby wins the gubernatorial election, he will strengthen the Jokowi family's position in regional strategic politics. Bobby's closeness to Prabowo and his positive performance in Medan could make him an important figure who connects the central and regional governments, especially during Prabowo's leadership era.

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Will the Jokowi political dynasty continue?

Even though Jokowi will soon leave the presidency, his family's political influence is likely to last for a long time. With Gibran potentially vice president, Kaesang general president of PSI and Bobby running for governor of North Sumatra, the Jokowi family still occupies a strategic position at different levels of government.

In the Prabowo government, if they work together, it can strengthen national political stability. However, if it chooses the opposition path, the Jokowi family could become a key force in challenging government policies. One thing is certain, their role in Indonesian politics will remain very important in determining the future direction of the nation.

As political momentum continues to build, public opinion waits to see how the Jokowi family's influence will manifest, especially if Prabowo officially takes office. Will they be partners or challengers of the new government? Time will tell. (**)

Author Deputy Editor-in-Chief of




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