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Boris Johnson reveals how he was recruited to have a 'manly pep talk' with Prince Harry…

Boris Johnson reveals how he was recruited to have a 'manly pep talk' with Prince Harry…


September 27, 2024, 01:22 | Updated: September 27, 2024, 01:45

Boris was mobilized to stop “Megxit”

Boris was mobilized to stop “Megxit”.

Photo: Alamy/Getty

Boris Johnson has revealed how he was recruited to have a 'manly pep talk' with Prince Harry in a bid to stop 'Megxit'.

The former prime minister was called upon to prevent Harry from stepping back from royal duties and moving in with Meghan in January 2020.

Writing in his new memoir, Unleashed, Mr Johnson said his efforts were “totally useless” – as the Duke left for Canada the following day.

Mr. Johnson recalls: “There was a ridiculous affair when they made me try to persuade Harry to stay. Kind of a manly pep talk. Totally desperate.”

He said the meeting took place during a UK-Africa investment summit, which was also one of Harry's final appearances as a working royal.

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It came after Harry gave a speech saying he and Meghan were leaving with “great sadness” but felt there was “no other option.”

The meeting lasted 20 minutes – without any aides present – as Mr Johnson urged the Duke to reconsider his decision.

Prince Harry with Boris at the top

Prince Harry with Boris at the top.

Photo: Getty

A friend told the Mail, which is currently publishing the memoir ahead of publication, that Mr Johnson praised Harry's efforts at the Invictus Games and Meghan's work on the education of women and girls in developing countries. development.

“He thought they were a great asset to UK plc and it was a real shame that they were leaving when they were doing such a good job,” the friend said.

“It was a man to man conversation, they were completely alone. But Harry wasn't one to turn around, he wasn't convinced at this point.

“Boris managed to deliver Brexit, but even he couldn’t stop Megxit.”

A week earlier, Harry, the Queen, Charles and William met at Sandringham to discuss the decision.

But despite numerous attempts to change his mind, Harry refused to budge and instead fled to Canada with Meghan.

They then moved to Montecito, California, where they still live with their children, Archie and Lilibet.




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