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Boris Johnson tried to persuade Prince Harry not to leave the UK

Boris Johnson tried to persuade Prince Harry not to leave the UK
Boris Johnson tried to persuade Prince Harry not to leave the UK


Boris Johnson was tasked with convincing the Duke of Sussex not to step back from his royal duties to his wife Meghan, the former prime minister revealed in his memoir.

In Unchaineddue to be published on October 10 and serialized in the Daily Mail, Johnson revealed he was asked to give Harry a manly pep talk to persuade him not to leave the UK.

The meeting reportedly took place just weeks after Johnson's election victory in January 2020, at a UK-Africa investment summit in London's Docklands, which marked one of the last appearances of Harry as a working member of the royal family.

Johnson with Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. He thought it was a real shame for the UK to lose the couple.

Johnson with Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. He thought it was a real shame for the UK to lose the couple.


It is believed the men stood together for 20 minutes unassisted, which was reported at the time as an informal catch-up conversation behind closed doors.

A friend of Johnson told the Daily Mail as the former prime minister praised Harry's work with the Invictus Games as well as Meghan's efforts to educate women and girls in developing countries.

He thought they were a great asset to UK plc and it was a real shame they were leaving when they were doing such a good job, the friend said.

They added: It was a man-to-man conversation, they were completely alone. But Harry wasn't willing to turn around, he wasn't convinced at this point. Boris managed to deliver Brexit, but even he couldn't stop Megxit.

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Officials at Downing Street and Buckingham Palace reportedly thought Johnson would succeed in deterring Harry from leaving the UK. However, he left for Canada the next day to be reunited with his wife and son, Archie, who was only eight months old at the time.

Johnson wrote that it was a ridiculous deal when they made me try to persuade Harry to stay. Kind of a manly pep talk. Totally hopeless.

The memoir, which covers his political career, is also expected to reveal what Johnson thinks of Rishi Sunak and details of his relationship with Michael Gove.

He will explain how he fought with Parliament, the courts and his own MPs as he tried to deliver Brexit.

The book comes out serially on Saturday, on the eve of the Conservative conference, but he has not yet revealed which of the four candidates Kemi Badenoch, Robert Jenrick, James Cleverly or Tom Tugendhat he will support.

The revelation comes after the Princess of Wales attended the English National Ballets' matinee performance of Giselle at Sadlers Wells in London on Thursday, as she takes on more public commitments following the end of her cancer treatment.

In an article on X, she thanked English National Ballet and Sadlers Wells for their wonderfully powerful, moving and inspiring performance.




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