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Shy Donald Trump voters really exist

Shy Donald Trump voters really exist


Adrian Wenner somehow managed to be a screenwriter in Hollywood for 25 years. He's written on shows you've heard of like New Girl and Grays Anatomy, but he's much more proud of once making Steve Martin laugh on an improv show.

There are age-old maxims in American politics that appear to be true: Older people vote in higher percentages. Rainy election days favor Republicans. Trump supporters are shy and shrinking violets.

[Record scratch]

In the liturgy of astonishing proclamations from the Trump circus, a relatively minor refrain torments me. Lately, when I listen to the bleating heads on cable news, there's some beltway pundit or real-life Trump apologist explaining the dogma: We don't put much stock in a poll showing Kamala in the lead, because that everyone knows that Trump voters are much fewer in number. likely to admit their preference to pollsters. (I'm paraphrasing of course.)

They claim, with obvious pride either in their own gnostic understanding of America or in the particular devotion of MAGA faithful, that Trump voters choose to keep their Trump fandom a secret, the so-called shy Trump voters . This theory has been around since 2016, and whether there is evidence for its existence has been debated from the beginning.

Indeed, the theoretical persona of Shy Trump Voter does not match the facts of his support. We see his rallies, his merchandising, his insurrection, and the gullible daily reporting from the New York Times and Washington Post emanating from diners in Ohio and other real parts of America. The Trump movement is ethno-nationalist: a defining characteristic is his need to be noticed, to stand up and be counted, to assert his rightful dominance in the country.

Yet we are supposed to believe that after purchasing the hat, bumper sticker, car flag, and chintzy sneakers, the Trump supporter would hide his light under a bushel when interviewed anonymously in the purpose of evaluating and making known the real power of his tribe. East.

But there is also this poll which reveals that 61% of Americans admit to remaining silent and keeping their true opinions on sensitive subjects to themselves.

So let's assume there's something there. Let's assume that a certain percentage of Trump voters are indeed shy or, to use the more Orwellian term, silent themselves. Maybe they're just lying. Either way, they don't feel comfortable telling another living or breathing human being or an internet quiz that they support DJ Trump. Let that sink in.

What could be the possible reasons for this behavior? I can think of three:

1) They know that voting for Trump is a morally wrong act and don't want to admit it to outsiders. Who knows? Maybe their child will hear them. Perhaps their pet dog is watching them, and their self-loathing at such a notion is perfectly projected in this dog's seemingly judgmental gaze.

2) They deeply believe that such an important choice should be a private matter. (For some reason, they are also forced to stay on a phone call for 20 minutes and answer indecisively instead of hanging up.)

3) They believe in Trump and don't care who knows, BUT they are so smart, they know that if they lie to the polls, Democrats will be lulled into a false sense of I can't even finish this 4D chess explanation with a straight face. .

Then-President Donald Trump speaks during the swearing-in ceremony for new CIA Director Gina Haspel at the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia, United States, on May 21, 2018.

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

I think number 1 is a pretty clear winner, right?

Now I've looked back and I don't find much in the way of voters shying away from other candidates. Not von Hindenburg. Not Stalin. Not Mugabe. Not even Nixon. (In 1992, pollsters speculated that a timid Tory factor led to the surprise election victory of then British Prime Minister John Major, which was probably bullshit, given that British elections regularly produce parliaments completely unbalanced in relation to the popular vote, let alone polls.)

Trump is inspiring something quite unique in the history of democracy: supporters deeply ashamed of their support and reluctant to admit it, even to an outsider. Voters who have the same pride in their candidate as in the fart they let out on a plane and then looked around as if to say, “Okay, which one of you disgusting people did that?” ?

And to make things even weirder (a trigger word for them, apologies), Team Trump is presenting it as a feature and not a bug. They present these plane farters as the ace up Trump's sleeve. This mortified and silent population knows that what they are about to do is unforgivable, but they will achieve victory in November!

And they may be right.

Now I see next year's bumper sticker: Don't blame me, I voted for Kamala! (only I really didn't, I'm just saying I did because I know Trump is a national embarrassment, sorry not sorry tee hee)




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