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Why Manohar Lal Khattar was not at PM Modis Haryana election rally | News from the political pulse

Why Manohar Lal Khattar was not at PM Modis Haryana election rally | News from the political pulse
Why Manohar Lal Khattar was not at PM Modis Haryana election rally | News from the political pulse


BJP leaders on the Haryana election campaign are increasingly focusing on the issues of Dalits, Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and reservations, while trying to play on the tension between senior Congress leaders, Bhupinder Singh Hooda (a Jat) and Kumari Selja (a Dalit). ).

In his last two public rallies in Haryana, Prime Minister Narendra Modi accused the Congress of being anti-Dalit. The Congress has misled people belonging to backward castes or who are Dalits, the Prime Minister said in Gohana, Sonipat on Wednesday. Before 2014, when Congress was in power and Hooda ji was the CM, there was not a single year when incidents of atrocities against Dalits or backward castes were not exposed… Dalits of Haryana are watching the drama happening in Haryana Congress these days. It is the DNA of Congress to oppose reservations.

Not only the Prime Minister, but other senior BJP leaders such as Amit Shah and Manohar Lal Khattar have also targeted the Congress on issues related to Dalits and OBC. To ensure that its discourse on OBC and Dalits does not lose focus, the BJP has decided to selectively deploy Khattar, former CM and current Union Cabinet Minister, who was not present at the rally of the Prime Minister Gohana.

BJP sources said this is because he (Khattar) is deputed by the party to campaign in other areas and the party also wants to send the message that CM Nayab Singh Saini, from a community OBC, is the only chief ministerial candidate of the party.

Several BJP leaders in Jat core areas, such as Sonipat, Jhajjhar and Charkhi Dadri, told The Indian Express why there was a degree of anger against Khattar.

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We have a new face to present to voters and party members. The party members were angry with Khattar over his reluctance to meet them. After taking office, Saini started meeting the workers and assured everyone that their grievances would be addressed. This encouraged workers to participate in the election process with tan, mann, dhan (physically, with focus and financially), a BJP leader told Charkhi Dadri.

Khattar, a Khatri Punjabi, is also missing from the BJP's hoardings and publicity materials in some parts of the state. He also found no mention in a four-page pamphlet that the party distributed in all 90 constituencies outlining the differences between the Congress government and the two-term BJP.

In Rai's constituency in Sonipat, local BJP leaders said they did not want Khattar to campaign. It would be better if he (Khattar) did not come here, one of them said. There was strong resentment against the government when he was CM. He lacked connections with the public and party workers, as did the attitude of MPs and ministers who were close to him.

At the BJP office in Jhajjar, an SC-reserved seat, a leader said: Khattar nahi chahiye (We don't want Khattar). He brought the party to this position. If Saini had been given an opportunity two years ago, the BJP would have been in a better situation. Saini has not been given enough time, which is why we are calling on voters to give him a full mandate.”

Why OBCs and Dalits matter

Comprising 33% of the state's population, OBCs constitute the majority of voters in Haryana. They are followed by Jats with 26-27% and Dalits with 21%. The majority of OBCs and Dalits are in 35 Assembly constituencies, including the 17 reserved for Scheduled Caste (SC) candidates. In 2019, the BJP won 21 of these seats, while the Congress won 15 and the Jannayak Janta Party (JJP) eight. The Jats, on the other hand, are the dominant group with 25-30 seats.

In the Lok Sabha polls, the Congress-Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) coalition reportedly got more than half of the Dalit votes, with the BJP losing the two parliamentary constituencies reserved for the SC to the Congress. An analysis of the results shows that of the 47 Assembly segments with an SC population of more than 20%, the BJP was leading in 18 segments, the Congress in 25 segments and the AAP in four segments.

The Assembly polls, however, could prove to be a different ball game since the Congress and AAP are not contesting together and there are other players in the fray with the potential to reduce the Congressional votes. While the Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) led by Abhay Chautala and the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) have joined hands, the JJP and the Azad Samaj Party (Kanshi Ram) led by Chandrashekhar Aazad are in the fray together.

The Congress is focused on consolidating Jat votes, but here too the INLD and JJP, both Jat-dominated parties, could reduce its votes. The BJP, on its part, is trying to consolidate non-Jat votes and win back SC and OBC votes that it lost to the Congress in the parliamentary elections. For the party, the ongoing farm protests pose a major hurdle. Several of its candidates, including MPs and ministers, faced protests while campaigning in rural Haryana.




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