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PM Modi says India is moving forward by prioritizing science, technology and research, launching 3 PARAM Rudra supercomputers.

PM Modi says India is moving forward by prioritizing science, technology and research, launching 3 PARAM Rudra supercomputers.
PM Modi says India is moving forward by prioritizing science, technology and research, launching 3 PARAM Rudra supercomputers.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday launched the three PARAM Rudra supercomputers, developed domestically under the National Supercomputing Mission. He highlighted that India today is creating new opportunities in an infinite realm of possibilities.

These advanced systems have been deployed in Pune, Delhi and Kolkata to support cutting-edge scientific research.

At the launch event, Modi said, “This is an important day for India in the fields of science, technology and research. India places a strong emphasis on science and technology. Our engineers and scientists have successfully developed three PARAM Rudra supercomputers, now deployed in Kolkata, Delhi and Pune, I express my gratitude to all Indians for this achievement and dedicate it to the youth of India, who play a vital role in the advancement of local computer technology.

PARAM Rudra is designed for high-speed computing and simulation, facilitating research in several areas, including weather forecasting, climate modeling, chemical discovery, materials science and artificial intelligence. This advanced system will enable researchers to tackle complex challenges and make groundbreaking discoveries.

Modi further emphasized, “New India will take ownership of creating indigenous technological innovations. Our guiding principles are science and autonomy. This year's budget allocated 1 lakh crore to the research fund. India must be a global leader in scientific innovation. The space sector is a prime example where India has emerged as a major power. »

PARAM Rudra supercomputers have been installed in eminent scientific institutions in Pune, Delhi and Kolkata. The Giant Radio Telescope (GMRT) in Pune will use the supercomputer to explore fast radio bursts (FRBs) and other astrophysical events. The Delhi Inter-University Acceleration Center aims to strengthen research in physical sciences and nuclear physics. Meanwhile, the SN Bose Center in Kolkata will offer advanced courses in physics, cosmology and earth sciences.

These supercomputers are being developed under India's National Supercomputing Mission (NSM), which aims to improve the country's IT infrastructure. The mission is designed to meet the growing demand for IT resources from students, researchers, MSMEs and startups. This initiative represents an important step towards the future development of India.

Modi added, “Supercomputers can significantly contribute to the development of AI and ML, driving the digital revolution. They will ensure that the benefits of technology reach all citizens of the country. Regardless of the sector, whether it is economy, ease of doing business, disaster management or quality of life, each is directly dependent on technology and IT capabilities. This sector forms the foundation of India's success in Industry 4.0. »

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Published: Sep 26, 2024, 6:02 PM IST




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